Fighting cane for elderly, fighting machette DVDS? Combat cane series?


Yellow Belt
I just watched the Cold Steel fighting cane/walking stick DVDs. They were good basic skills. I am looking for one more set of DVD's set up for those with less mobility. Considering the combatcane series. I want to learn them incase I am ever injured and to teach to some of the elderly that asked me about them. I dont want advanced throws or anything that requires someone young and in shape like me to complete the techniques. The Cold Steel video really impressed me.

Has anyonr used the Cane Masters series? The one demo video did not impress me.

I am ordering the cold steel fighting machette DVD today. Are there any worth getting that focus on a fighting machette? I want to add a few of these techniques to my arsenal since I carry a machette while hiking.

Would an Oak or Hickory cane be heavier, stronger, take more abuse?
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Here is my question; if someone actually does need a cane to assist in their mobility, then how likely is it going to be for them to use it? Not saying that they absolutely won't be able to use one, but if they are that dependent it 'may' almost be a detriment to try anything that puts weight on limbs that aren't fully functional to begin with. I'd like to see training from someone that actually does need to use a cane to support their weight and see what they recommend.

Just a thought.
Kong Soo Dos comments exactly mirror my own thoughts, if you are training it as a weapon because you want to have a "concealed" weapon available fine, but if you are actually seriously injured enough that you need a cane, very few are going to be able to use it. Better to train in a firearm IMO.

As for machete work, most FMA will do the trick.
Here is another concern; what if you don't actually need a cane, but carry one strictly for SD? I've seen SD proponents suggest carrying a cane on a plane since you can't carry any other type of weapon. Right or wrong, I've seen this suggested in print. Now let's say that you don't need a cane, but carry it for and have to use it in SD. Might there be some legal questions in the aftermath? Could you find yourself on the witness stand having to answer to a shark attorney why you 'beat' up his poor client with a HUGE cane and your sole purpose for having a cane wasn't a disability but because you wanted to hurt people? Understand what I'm saying here. I'm not saying don't carry a cane. What I'm saying is think it through and be able to articulate if you have to use it. Sitting on the witness stand facing a shark isn't the time you want to formulate a plan or response. You need to have it thought through ahead of time.

Food for thought ;)
. What I'm saying is think it through and be able to articulate if you have to use it. Sitting on the witness stand facing a shark isn't the time you want to formulate a plan or response. You need to have it thought through ahead of time. Food for thought ;)

Well put. If you carry an item (cane, tool, sporting equipment, etc.) that you may need to use for self defense, you absolutely better think it through and be able to justify why you have it around.... for a purpose other than beating people up. Where I live, about the only thing anybody can legally carry almost anywhere specifically for self-defense (except on planes) is a gun. Anything else can get you in serious trouble unless you can articulate a good, non-violent justification for having it.
I`ll leave it to others to discuss the merits vs dangers of carrying a cane for defense. As for machete DVDs, like they said any FMA work would be good, but I`d especially reccomend "The bolo game" and "attacking blocks" from the Dog Brothers website.

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