You don't agree? What is that supposed to mean? You don't understand what lao tzu said, so how can you disagree? What is written in Tao Te Ching chapter 56 refers to the dao, and is highly remeniscient of the phrase "the dao that can be told is not the true dao". The meaning of this chapter is usually taken as meditative advice when contemplating the dao, to not try to put it into words or understand it directly.
Second, this Chinese turn of phrase is not at all unique to daoism and appears in Confucianism, Buddhism, and general Chinese literature:
"To change oneself is to save oneself, to influence others is to save others".
This grammar is poetic, not literal.
- "To control others is strength, to control oneself is true power." (Laozi, Chapter 33)
- "The soft overcomes the hard, the weak overcomes the strong." (Laozi, Chapter 78)
- "When the great Way is lost, there is benevolence; when benevolence is lost, there is righteousness." (Laozi, Chapter 38)
- "The more laws there are, the more thieves there will be." (Laozi, Chapter 57)
- "To see what is right and not do it is to lack courage." (Confucius, Analects 2.24)
- "A gentleman is calm and at ease; a petty person is always anxious and worried." (Analects 7.36)
- "The superior man seeks within; the inferior man seeks without." (Analects 15.20)
Forgetting not, that Laozi was a confucian scholar, the head of the the emperor's court library.
Also in Buddhism:
- "To gain is to lose; to lose is to gain."
- "The mind makes the world; the world makes the mind."
- "Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself."
some others
- "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." (Laozi, Chapter 64)
- "Dripping water pierces stone, not by force but by persistence."
- "To know the road ahead, ask those who have traveled it."
What is going on here is not something you can just pick up and throw at people you disagree with, that just reveals your misunderstanding over what the phrase actually means. These are not hard dichotomies. They are poetic comparisons made to show a point. They do not actually apply in a black and white fashion.
As for "He who says A must say B" this is a German proverb (
„Wer A sagt, muss auch B sagen.“) that likely originates from Russian *(
"Сказал А, говори Б",) and has no meaning or application here. I didn't say anything -- Trick trolled the thread by asking me if I was involved in crimes, and I said no. What did you expect, now he is bringing up an old German proverb? Bravo Trick, class A trolling.
Look around -- The teaching is right in front of your eyes -- it is not necessarily that the applications are not being taught or that no response is being provided, it is that those with low morals cannot see it, they will not allow themselves to see it.
Let's close this off with a look at the standard commentary.
1. Wang bi
Wang Bi
(王弼, 226–249 CE), one of the earliest and most influential commentators, emphasized the ineffability of the Tao. He wrote:
"The Tao cannot be grasped through words. Those who truly understand it recognize that language is inadequate, so they remain silent. Those who speak excessively are often those who lack true understanding."
2. He Shao (何劭, 3rd century CE)
"A sage who governs does not boast of his knowledge. Instead, he nurtures the people with quiet wisdom and non-interference. Those who speak too much and claim to know everything are often deceiving themselves."
3. Heshang Gong (河上公, circa 2nd century CE), whose commentary is deeply mystical, explained:
"To 'seal the openings' means to guard against excessive desires. To 'blunt the sharpness' means to let go of arrogance. To 'untie the knots' means to free oneself from attachments. The sage, through these actions, becomes one with the Tao."
Therefore the statement "he who knows does not talk, he who talks does not know" does not apply to online discussions. For example, to criticize this post as being 'excessive' would be to say that Wang Bi's words above have no value, or to insinuate that there was no reason to write down the tao te ching in the first place.