Hi all;
I was thinking today about what a fantastic resource of martial arts info and opinion this site is, when i had the startling realisation that most of the questions i have about MA in general, i would feel nearly unable to talk to my teacher about... i would take them here or to other students instead. Is that weird? If i needed to get clarification/correction about a form or application, i can ask my teacher for that alright, but even then it'll only be after trying to nut it out for myself, maybe ask a few senior students etc. I guess it's my opinion that as the class head, his time is precious and i don't want to take up too much of it with stupid questions (you know, the ones you ask and halfway through asking it the answer suddenly becomes glaringly obvious
I guess my question(s) to you all is/are:
Do you feel comfy talking to yr teacher about stuff outside of the stuff you are training right now? Things like philosophy of the arts, personal stuff about yr training goals, general tips for training at home, feedback on how you are doing etc?
Would you consider it impertinant to ask your teacher (or have yr student ask you!) about thier own training regimen, how they structure it, what they find useful etc?
Do you reckon the role of the teacher should be neccacerily somewhat distant from her/his students? Or should it be a more informal r'ship? For the instructors among you, do you ever feel a little regretful if yr students take the respect to the point of timidity? Do you ever wonder about the questions that don't get asked?
Hope these questions aren't too dumb... :asian: