I remember years ago training in Tang Soo Do,........ that at least in the beginning stages lots of soft outside parries were used along with an outside step. I guess these could be considered soft blocks, as the instructor at the time specified direction and coordination of hand and foot work rather than hard striking. Though I did later see a demonstration of this technique which the hand was used to turn and snap,......"Shoto" breaking 3 pine boards a few inches away from his face. Pretty impressive, just wondering whether this falls under the same category as a parry, just neglected to ask at the time, but remember it was based more on technique and angle than anything else. I believe that most blocks start off at just that, they are blocks. Later on with coordinated footwork they seem to be more reliant apon angle & direction as to weather they hard or soft in principle. I think it's more mindset & most of old Masters knew that....If an attack was eminent & given the range and opportunity, "strike that which is going to strike you"....thus hard block .....or if still eminent & given the range and opportunity.... divert that which is going to strike you.....soft block. I think as we get better at knowing when an attack is eminent...we become better at diverting the attack altogether!
"Alway try to think outside the Traditional Box"