Okinawan Karate

Those plane tickets sure sound expensive to me. I haven't even started looking at what the flights from Finland would cost. I know that the plane tickets from Helsinki to Nagoya costs about 550 euro (that's around 700 USD at the moment) when they are on sale, which happens every now and then, but as for the connecting flights, I have no idea. As for accommodation there, well, we'll probably rent an apartment, but again I have no idea how much that will cost. I asked about the costs from my friend and he said that for 1.5 - 2 weeks the total cost might be around 2000 euro (about 2500 USD), depending on how expensive the flights will be. Fortunately I have a job that pays a decent wage and as I don't have any debts, I should be able to save the money.
Those plane tickets sure sound expensive to me. I haven't even started looking at what the flights from Finland would cost. I know that the plane tickets from Helsinki to Nagoya costs about 550 euro (that's around 700 USD at the moment) when they are on sale, which happens every now and then, but as for the connecting flights, I have no idea. As for accommodation there, well, we'll probably rent an apartment, but again I have no idea how much that will cost. I asked about the costs from my friend and he said that for 1.5 - 2 weeks the total cost might be around 2000 euro (about 2500 USD), depending on how expensive the flights will be. Fortunately I have a job that pays a decent wage and as I don't have any debts, I should be able to save the money.

You can find cheaper lodging in Okinawa than this. But, you'll probably need a local contact there to set it up for you. My wife and I stayed in Kin-cho for 24 days for $480 (US) in 2006. Probably an unusual deal, but it seems $30-40/day per person is not difficult to find. Shimabukuro Sensei's dojo street sign is on my avatar. I took that photo around November 24, 2006.

R. McLain