Tainted no, unique yes. You have soft arts, and then you have hard arts. Because kata Sanchin is introduced early on in GoJu there is a misconception that this art is hard in nature. This could not be farther from the truth. With Sanchin principles taught through the colored belt ranks, it isn't until kata Tensho is introduced in the Dan ranks that the softer aspects are realized. Tensho if taught right, will open the door to the pushing hands, and softer aspects of the art. Many never get to this stage of this art because they stay stuck in the beginner teaching of the hard part of GoJu, hard/soft. Learning to fight is one thing, learning the art of fighting is another. I encourage everyone to explore your chosen art and fully understand the principles within that art. A self defense situation is ever evolving into all aspects of combat. A fighting art will teach you to win in a confrontation, but the art of fighting will point you toward an art that will transfer way into old age.