So what is this world coming to again?...

It's in no way comparable with what has been reported in this thread but the one time I was in trouble with the law (aged maybe 11) the senior officer in the station made the time to take me into his office, sit me down and gave me a right talking to that had me brimming with tears under the stony gaze of the escorting officer.

He didn't raise his voice or do anything dramatic he just made me feel every ounce of his authority. As years went by I realised that what he was doing was his level best to make sure that this kid who'd made a mistake never ended up in his station for something more serious.

Then they took me home and my dad gave me a good hiding from one end of the house to the other.

Guess what? Never been in trouble with the law since.

I'm sure there's an obvious message there somewhere ...
There are so many stories that I would love to share with you all about MY dealings with the school kids..Unfortunatly the obscenity filter would short out..
This news story has me absolutely shaking my head. I am beyond being able to put my emotions aside and fully understand and it makes me so angry that a thing like this is happening. I find it disheartening and scary.

One of the things that really is driving me crazy is this part of the story:

How and where do children of that age learn to do such horrible things to another human being? It is appalling and sad.

Kids step on bugs too; where are the parents?
This news story has me absolutely shaking my head. I am beyond being able to put my emotions aside and fully understand and it makes me so angry that a thing like this is happening. I find it disheartening and scary.

One of the things that really is driving me crazy is this part of the story:

How and where do children of that age learn to do such horrible things to another human being? It is appalling and sad.


This kind of stuff in winnipeg almost doesnt surprise me anymore, I live just outside of the city which I love but think I am moving to the city just for the convenience.

Crap like this really makes me think if I want to.
This kind of stuff in winnipeg almost doesnt surprise me anymore, I live just outside of the city which I love but think I am moving to the city just for the convenience.

Crap like this really makes me think if I want to.


Just kidding. All major cities have their problems, ours is no difference. What floors me more then anything is how are judicial system has their hands tied in these cases as to do anything about it.

Just kidding. All major cities have their problems, ours is no difference. What floors me more then anything is how are judicial system has their hands tied in these cases as to do anything about it.

Yeah theres some pretty crazy stuff that goes on, I mainly hang out at the albert and have heard/seen some pretty crazy stuff. For example that time that guy was found decapitated, disembowled, castrated, and various other forms of mutilation upstairs.

I havent really been to too many other cities so yeah its hard to compare but its pretty crazy with some of the stuff that goes on now a days, especially when its kids doing it.

I did some pretty stupid and crazy stuff growing up and quite surprised I never got injured seriously from it but in my opinion doing stupid stuff like drinking in a bush and blowing up propane tanks (long story :P) to actually going out and causing direct harm and/or killing other kids is quite a difference.

I dont know how a lot of the kids get their idea of right and wrong and just common sense but something really needs to be done, I have a lot of friends that live in sketchy areas of the city with kids and their kids are damn smart and behave really maturely for their age.
Just kidding. All major cities have their problems, ours is no difference. What floors me more then anything is how are judicial system has their hands tied in these cases as to do anything about it.

Our law makers are going to have to rewrite the ENTIRE juvenile law stature..The trouble maker kids today make the so called tough guys we saw growing up look like choir boys..85% are armed with semi-automatic weapons and have no hesitation in using them...
Our law makers are going to have to rewrite the ENTIRE juvenile law stature..The trouble maker kids today make the so called tough guys we saw growing up look like choir boys..85% are armed with semi-automatic weapons and have no hesitation in using them...

I agree, when I was in high school, which was a huge school and was the only one for many small towns I dont think we ever had any major incidents.

Our school had a really bad rep for being one of the most violent and whatever but for the most part it wasnt that bad, I got my *** kicked a few times by a bunch of guys but it was never anything major, I always walked away from it. There were a lot of fights, most of the time if something big came up between two people there would be the usual school gossip all day, end of the day they would get in a scrap, someone would win, someone would lose, 2 days later no one remembered it.

On occasion you would see some knives and stuff brought out in fights, never actually saw anyone use one though, just showing it off and trying to be the big tough guy.

For the most part I dont really care for fighting at all (not street fighting anyways, martial arts and stuff I love but thats a lot different) but that seemed to be the big thing when people had problems with eachother, get in a scrap, its done.

I dont get whats with all the killings now, especially from young kids, its just sick when you hear about a 10 year old kid murdering someone, not even just the fact of them killing someone but when they have been planning for long periods of time. The fact that they actually thought about what they were doing and not just something setting them off spur of the moment to do it.

Its hard to point the blame too, usually I would point it at the parents but we used to have a lot of foster kids that were pretty messed up, most of the time their parents were so sketchy that you could tell where they got it from, other ones seemed as normal as any family I know.

There was a good article I read a while ago (cant remember where) about some kids that killed some homeless guy and blamed it on violent video games (of course the press loved that). Some website wrote an article saying the parents should be blamed instead of games and one of the family members sent them in a really long letter explaining how they tried dealing with the kid growing up and how they tried getting him help and the schools and counselors didnt think anything was wrong and just blew it off. Was actually a pretty good read and creepy to hear some of the stuff the kid would do and how they tried everything they could think of.

Anyways I just did way more rambling than I normally do, off to bed.
Responded to a fight in progress on a city bus..They were transporting these kids that are one step away from being expelled from the system..I boarded and one of these little darlings said something in the "ghetto dialect" that was a challenge and I answered him back in the same syntax..
One of the advisors actually moved between me and this "youthful offender" as if to protect him and said in a "Little Kathy Clueless" voice "Officer these childeren are no one to play games with".."Lady", I answered. "Neither am I"..