Interesting thoughts Don, Pam and exile.
I have not much more to add however Don's one statement rings very true to me in my everyday life:
Working around and with young adults, I see and fear for the future as well and I ask myself: What is it we can do to change this? I remember years back hearing my parents say that about the youth in my day and age, yet, I believe we have turned out alright (at least the majority). Could it be the same for the children of today?
Is it our want and need to do more for our children then our parents did for us coupled by the fact that we tend to "over protect" our kids and then send them into the world without a clue as to how to take care of themselves, let alone how to empathise, respect and help other human beings?
I see this every day and I shake my head. Young adults unable to wash their own clothing, dishes, make their beds or even set an alarm clock or write a cheque. Young adults who have no fear of consequences, who lie, steal, cause trouble, vandalise property, etc. All due to the fact that mom and dad have taken care of EVERYTHING for them and they feel that they DESERVE it all and don't work for anything.
Does all this cause a lack of empathy in our children?
Rich at age 9: MMMMOOOOOMMMMMMM My Jeans are dirty.
Mom: I just washed them yesterday and told you to keep them clean for today. We have to go to ...
Rich: Can you wash them please? (* No whine, knowing the mistake I made above *)
Mom: No, but if you hurry you can wash them yourself. Cold water, one scoop of detergent, and put in your other dark clothes as well.
Rich: ** Stunned **
Rich: ** Minutes Later standing in front of the washer ** Mom Can you help me, is it Cold/Cold or Hot/Cold?
Mom: It is Cold/Cold. and put in for medium cycle time.
Rich: Thank you
Rich: ** Some time in the future ** Jeans still damp but I can wear them.
At that time, I was helping in the garden to weed, and would help wash and dry dishes as well. I could also make a sandwich for when I was hungry ** Yummy Peanut Butter and Jelly/Jam **.
It is interesting to see people who cannot wash their clothes or pick up after themselves, because Mom always did it either our of taking care of her children or out of convienence as it was quicker and done right the first time, versus damp or shrunk jeans. Or faded because you used Hot water.
I made a date dinner once (* Yes I was the romantic type *), and I cooked a nice roast and potatoes and carrots and ..., . She was surprised and did not believe me that I could cook. (* When she found out my Mom was in Chemo/Radiation Treatment for Cancer and I was doing what I could to help, even if not always right, she felt sorry that I had to learn how to cook and clean. The point was that I knew before that it just made it easier to experiment. *)
I think it does a disservice to the child if they do not know how to balance a check book (* Something else I learned early in high school - PS I like the way Lisa et al uses Cheque *), cook, clean, run a vacuum, pick up, make a bed, (* Perfect corners and bouncing a quarter not required *), as they are lost later in life. These children grow up get into a relationship or two and move in or get married and find out that no one is around to pick up after them anymore. (* Goes for both males and females *)
But that is my opinion on that subject.