First of all, this story made me physically ill. I don't want to think that the society that I live in can produce children who could do this.
But it does.
And Terry hit it right on the head. Video games, movies, TV, you name it, IT HAS AN EFFECT. I don't have cable TV. We don't play video games. I screen EVERYTHING my kids watch, because I sincerely believe that it is in their best interest.
We need to keep our children innocent for as long as possible. One murder on TV is one too many...much less the hundreds of thousands they will see by the age of 18.
Well, given my background in psychology, there's something I'd like to mention here....
Namely, the notion that "media violence is bad for the kids!" is an amazingly simplified and dumbed-down way of putting the situation. It is not at all black and white. Not even close.
The truth is that the particulars of the violent imagery as well as the context that it is presented will impact what the children will "take away" from it. Violent media can either desensitize or sensitize children to violence. Many people don't want to admit it, but given all the variables of the research I have seen (i.e., realism of the violence, repercussions of the violence, use of weapons versus non-weapon in violence, etc), Bugs Bunny on
Looney Tunes probably does more to desensitize children to violence than, say, Jack Bauer on
That's the truth, whether people want to accept it or not.
I personally don't agree with the "keeping them innocent" approach. But, then again, I'm not a parent so my outlook may change later in life.
.... that being said, I do not for a second believe that the children we are dealing with here became malevolent antisocials because they listened to Pantera too much or saw too much
Family Guy. If you honestly believe that's what is going on here, I would have to conclude you are being unrealistic about this case. I suspect many people
want to believe that is what's going on, because the truth is much more complex and sinister in nature.
But, hey, what do I know??