So, I shaved my head

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
I like it. That said, it is kind of a pain to keep up... For some reason, although I have never had a heavy beard, nor been particularly hairy, within 12 hours, there is noticeable, stubble. Can anything be done? The HeadBlade, btw, is awesome.
Been a baldy since '94. I'll never go back! No telling how much I've saved on barber bills lol.

I simply shave while I'm in the shower. It's just become part of that routine. After you develop the habit, it doesn't take any time at all.
The "5 o'clock shadow" is annoying the hell out of me. How long before my follicles get the message?
My daughter dared me to do it once...and I did! I used to keep my hair relatively long (but still professional) but after this experience I found I prefer it much shorter.
I do it from time to time. It becomes a hassle for me and I stop. I hate shaving my face so on my days off I don't which is probably why I fail at getting into a habit with my head
I just cut it once a week with clippers. Gets it close enough. I don't want to be smooth bald.
When I was shaving my head, I had to shave at least every other day. There were parts of keeping it shaved that I really liked, namely saving money on trips to the barber shop. At the same time though it's alot of work constantly having to shave it all the time as well.
I am assuming that shaved heads in America do not carry the same stigma as they do over here in Britain? Here it is a sign of membership of some of the most loutish and violent forms of racist organisations - or it was in my youth at least.

For myself, I am fighting an ongoing battle against the encroachment of natural hair loss, so to voluntarily sacrifice your 'mane' is a mystery to me :lol:.
I am assuming that shaved heads in America do not carry the same stigma as they do over here in Britain? Here it is a sign of membership of some of the most loutish and violent forms of racist organisations - or it was in my youth at least.

For myself, I am fighting an ongoing battle against the encroachment of natural hair loss, so to voluntarily sacrifice your 'mane' is a mystery to me :lol:.

Naaa here it just means your bald
It's common here--and can be stylish! Luckily my hair is not receding--a family trait, along with heart disease.
about 18 years ago I almost shaved my head and came damn close to going to the place linked in my post above.
I think this says all I need to say on the subject :D

Yeah, so, around the Fourth of July I decided to go the other way with it. Now, after 4 months with no shaving/haircuts, my hair is longer than it has been in 13 years. I had to buy a comb O.o
Yay! {Jedi voice}Allow the follicles to flow from the Force, Don ... your strength and humanity is shown by their length ... {/Jedi voice}. Just ask Sampson :lol:.
For myself, I am fighting an ongoing battle against the encroachment of natural hair loss, so to voluntarily sacrifice your 'mane' is a mystery to me :lol:.

I had spent $8,000 to transplant 2,000 hair on my head. I want to see my $8,000 investment in my mirror everyday and I see no reason to shave it.

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