Strange problem with my right knee


Master of Arts
I never have problem with my right knee until lately. I am 68, so I am quite old to put in perspective. I have been keeping up exercise all these years after Tae kwon Do and still do a few sets of heavy bags and a few sets of air punching and kicking as aerobics. Everything worked out fine until lately when I started learning stick fighting using a cane because of all the news about elder Asians being attacked on the street. I have been incorporating front kicks and Wing Chun style step kicks to the knee of opponent with the stick fight. As a result, I have been doing a lot more air kicks. Because of that, I put in a few extra hours of exercise a week to add the stick fight into my weekly regiment.

Last Wednesday after a long session, after I cooled down for a while, I notice a funny feeling(not exactly pain, kind of like pinched nerve type) on my right knee. the right knee keep collapsing particularly walking down the stairs. I need to do a few warmup things like body weight squats, tense up the knee, even a little stretch or just jog in place to warm it up to get rid of it. Then it'll be good for like an hour. But when I sit down and relax, stand up again, it happens again. It is strange.

I don't notice I injure myself, it just started. Anyone have this happen to them? I am pretty sure it's the air kicks that causes this, particular when I simulate the opponent grab my cane, I use the front kick and kick with the heel instead with the ball of the foot, that's the day when I started to have the problem.

Or is it my body is telling me I am doing too much for my age? Including weight lifting, I am doing like 7 to 8 hours a week from 5 hours a week before. There's nothing good about getting old.
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