So i got jumped tonight...

Mc Qoorbs

Yellow Belt
Yep thats right...its actually the first time ive gotten jumped...and also my first REAL fight since ive been taking jinenkan which will be about a month.

But anyway...i dont know if you guys know whats going on out here in Los angeles...but check it...

Mexicans and blacks are beefing.blacks and mexicans have been randomly shooting and killing each other on the freeways out here also.I think its gang related...but i cant even wear a white tee shirt because thats what the mexicans aim at.Im half black but anyway....

Im riding my bike up the street and i stop at a corner.So i hear this voice screaming..."GEt the **** off my street ****** "(x 5).The way i stopped on my bike positioned my back to be im like...damn i hope the light changes...cuz i dont like confrontations and i dont like fighting because i can potentially really damage somebody minus the MA training if im mad enough which rarely i hear footsteps and i turn around and he walks up on me and says the same thing.So im like"Are u serious man?".Immediately after i said that he starts swinging while im still on my bike...i think he hit me but i was so surprised that he swung at me that i didnt feel it...i jumped off my bike and he tried a grappling move for my legs...i grabbed him and pushed him off this point we were in the middle of the street.The good thing is...even though i was stunned that i was atacked...a voice in my head told me to get into the normal position we train in in Jinenkan.I guess my mind is still new to MA so i didnt get to do any of the moves ive learned...but i did block some of his attacks as i would during class.After blocking a couple attacks i just went bezerker on the guy...and he ended up face down on the ground not moving.At that point i hopped on my bike,swooped out real quick...and went to jinenkan class lol.I seriously dont know if the guy was knocked out or dead but yeah...he got hurt.

Lesson learned:ALWAYS be prepared mentally for any confrontation.Hopefully with more a confrontation ill be able to utilize more of what ive learned instead of just going bezerker out of shock of confrontation because i was seriously shocked.Thankfully i gathered myself and did what i did..I dont hope for confrontation but what else do you do?You have to defend yourself.

Sorry if this sound like a lot of babble but im really kind of amped up right now :asian:
Mexicans and blacks are beefing.blacks and mexicans have been randomly shooting and killing each other on the freeways out here also.I think its gang related...but i cant even wear a white tee shirt because thats what the mexicans aim at.
Wow! I'm glad I live in small town, where stuff like this could never happen. Good thing you're alright, sounds like MA training could prove very valuable in your neighbourhood.
Hey, glad you're ok!! Kick ***, and I hope it doesn't happen again.

A few things. First, don't wait for the light to change if there's the possibility of a situation. On a bike, nobody on foot should ever get close to you.

Second, you did great after the confrontation started, and exactly what you should have done. Don't try to pull off moves, or fight like you train. Training is to teach you reflex actions and principles that you will use naturally as the fight progresses. Let the fight itself dictate the moves you use, just focus on what's really important - SURVIVAL.

I've been hearing about the shootings on the freeways on the news. It's ****ed, man. Be safe, and watch out for a pack of them next time. Now they know you're not easy prey.

Good to hear from you.
Congratulations you just experienced the adrenal stress reaction! This occurs almost always in unexpected situations like this. Under the adrenal stress fine motor skills tend to go out the door, you get tunnel vision, auditory exclusion and only gross motors skills work well. This will occur no matter how much dojo training you do. The only way to learn to deal with it better is either be consciously trained under adrenal stress situations or get repeated exposure to high stress encounters such as being a doorman, police officer etc. I am glad you made it through. Real fights never go off like the movies, they are ugly, awkward and very fast.
Sounds like some of the stuff i used to have to deal with.

That's the first step towards knowing that you're learning correctly is seeing how prevalent your training is in such situations where you have no time to prepare or anticipate, imo. If you get into it a the drop of a hat like you did, and you reflect back afterwards and notice things that you did that were a result of your training, then i'd say you're learning well. Congrats on surviving, that's what the training is there for.:)
I am glad that you are OK, but doesn't anyone else think that at least an anonomous 911 call should have been made after the altercation, as opposed to just leaving the guy for dead?

I mean I realize that things are different in LA than they are up here in the boonies, but still.
Even in LA, I doubt you can lay in the middle of the street for long without somebody checking to see if you've got some spare change in your pocket.
as was mentioned, Ninjutsu is about survival. going berzerk as you said is what needed to be done to survive. thats the essence of ninjutsu. probably the only martial art that emphasizes proper body movement over proper technique.
rutherford said:
Even in LA, I doubt you can lay in the middle of the street for long without somebody checking to see if you've got some spare change in your pocket.
lmao wassup man
Shogun said:
...probably the only martial art that emphasizes proper body movement over proper technique.
What would make you say something like that? I can think of several examples off the top of my head (and a whole category - MMA)...

Mc Qoorbs said:
Yep thats right...its actually the first time ive gotten jumped...and also my first REAL fight since ive been taking jinenkan which will be about a month. So im like"Are u serious man?".Immediately after i said that he starts swinging while im still on my bike...i think he hit me but i was so surprised that he swung at me that i didnt feel it...i jumped off my bike and he tried a grappling move for my legs...i grabbed him and pushed him off this point we were in the middle of the street.The good thing is...even though i was stunned that i was atacked...a voice in my head told me to get into the normal position we train in in Jinenkan.I guess my mind is still new to MA so i didnt get to do any of the moves ive learned...but i did block some of his attacks as i would during class.After blocking a couple attacks i just went bezerker on the guy...and he ended up face down on the ground not moving.At that point i hopped on my bike,swooped out real quick...and went to jinenkan class lol.I seriously dont know if the guy was knocked out or dead but yeah...he got hurt.

Lesson learned:ALWAYS be prepared mentally for any confrontation.Hopefully with more a confrontation ill be able to utilize more of what ive learned instead of just going bezerker out of shock of confrontation because i was seriously shocked.Thankfully i gathered myself and did what i did..I dont hope for confrontation but what else do you do?You have to defend yourself.

Sorry if this sound like a lot of babble but im really kind of amped up right now :asian:

No need to apologize, McQoorbs. Sorry to hear you got attacked, but am glad that some of your training came in handy. As you said, "you have to defend yourself." IMHO, personal safety comes first, but if a person can get away to a safe location & they happen to have their cell phone with them, great--then (if it were me I would) call 911 for ambulance for the attacker. However, that is a personal decision each of us must make for ourselves.
Good moves anyway from the sound of things! i'm amazed you havent had more posts saying you shouldn't have fought etc. But as far as i'm concerned if someone starts on you then it's not your fault for fighting back. Bet you were a bit pumped up at your class!
Gin-Gin said:
No need to apologize, McQoorbs. Sorry to hear you got attacked, but am glad that some of your training came in handy. As you said, "you have to defend yourself." IMHO, personal safety comes first, but if a person can get away to a safe location & they happen to have their cell phone with them, great--then (if it were me I would) call 911 for ambulance for the attacker. However, that is a personal decision each of us must make for ourselves.
That reminds me of the story of how Takamatsu Sensei plucked out the eye of a bandit attempting to rob him, and then gave the bandit medical attention. That "Warrior's Compassion" makes me smile whenever i think about it. :)
Not at all - you should check out Russian Systema.
I love systema. IMO, very much like BBT.
What would make you say something like that? I can think of several examples off the top of my head (and a whole category - MMA)...

The fact that when you go to class, you learn to move. you dont study "if he punches here" type stuff. from studying BJJ, BBT, kali, taekwondo, krav maga, Muay thai, aikido, and NHB, I find this very true.
not sure what you meant by
(and a whole category - MMA)...