Skipping training out of laziness

But we've moved onto people passing around medical misinformation they pulled off Bing.
I actually used some of the same sources you used so that means your stuff would be misinformation too?

Oh the other thing is that no medical experience is needed to talk about the "No Pain No Gain" phrase many of us probably have personal experience with working out up to that point and then regretting it later as it caused more harm than good.
In case anyone missed it, Charles Bell the doctor who developed Specificity Theory, is also who Bells Palsy is named after. His work on facial and spinal nerves is at the heart of medical understanding of pain and associated symptoms.
Goal post movement detected.

I recommend letting your bias go and just reading, rather than trying to debate a doctor on science. It's a waste of your time, you don't have the full context for understand.
That's ok because you gave me permission to do so when you stated, this below.
Most medical doctors don't understand pain at all.
I had a doctor tell me that I had a degenerative spinal condition and that there was nothing that could be done about it except to have surgery. I didn't listen to him either.

I went home and took a look at some things that could be causing my back pain. I eventually decided that it may be my mattress. I bought a new one, back pain solved. No surgery needed.

So just because you are a doctor doesn't mean I will take everything you say a gospel. It also doesn't mean that I won't look things up vs just taking your word on it.
Goal post movement detected.

That's ok because you gave me permission to do so when you stated, this below.

I had a doctor tell me that I had a degenerative spinal condition and that there was nothing that could be done about it except to have surgery. I didn't listen to him either.

I went home and took a look at some things that could be causing my back pain. I eventually decided that it may be my mattress. I bought a new one, back pain solved. No surgery needed.

So just because you are a doctor doesn't mean I will take everything you say a gospel. It also doesn't mean that I won't look things up vs just taking your word on it.
I was told by a doctor that I would never walk again. Maybe he was trying to motivate me….
I was told by a doctor that I would never walk again. Maybe he was trying to motivate me….
I'm not sure. That just depends on how well your doctor knew you. But then again I've heard some doctors say the same thing to others because they believed it. But human determination is a power within its own. Those people just flat out proved them wrong and the doctors were honestly surprised of what the patient were able to overcome.

Sometimes I think doctors sometimes get tunnel vision and they forget that there are other factors involved in healing. Jimmy Carter (ex us president) was stage four brain cancer, people already had him in the grave. Thanks to doctors and Jimmy Carter's healing power lol. He pulled through. They put him in hospice and he's been there for a year. Just on the joking side, if he keeps it up they'll evict him lol. But serious. When they put him in hospice they didn't think he had long to live. It's been a year and he out lived his wife.

What did your doctor say when you recovered?
I'm not sure. That just depends on how well your doctor knew you. But then again I've heard some doctors say the same thing to others because they believed it. But human determination is a power within its own. Those people just flat out proved them wrong and the doctors were honestly surprised of what the patient were able to overcome.

Sometimes I think doctors sometimes get tunnel vision and they forget that there are other factors involved in healing. Jimmy Carter (ex us president) was stage four brain cancer, people already had him in the grave. Thanks to doctors and Jimmy Carter's healing power lol. He pulled through. They put him in hospice and he's been there for a year. Just on the joking side, if he keeps it up they'll evict him lol. But serious. When they put him in hospice they didn't think he had long to live. It's been a year and he out lived his wife.

What did your doctor say when you recovered?
He shook my hand and wrote me a recommendation to get me back into my old unit. The best part was when I asked to be discharged. He said that if I could get myself down the hall without help, then I could go home. I rolled out of bed, crawled to the hall and grabbed the hand rail. I drug myself down the hall, hand over hand to the nurses station. He discharged me immediately! 😂
So what this says right after your bold print that it's widely used. Which must mean it's widely accepted? Just saying. The last bold print that you posted talks about funding.

You know what isn't stated in your post? Pain Specitivity. Took me less than 3 minutes to discover that bit. Find on page works wonders.
Talk about moving did one Bing search and used it to suggest the work of Charles Bell has been "discredited".

BPS widely accepted? No. Not even close. Engles?? Even the Wikipedia page on his writings is flagged for NPOV and poor empirical groundwork. It's a work in process, sure. But don't try to drown out Bell with Engles.

I can't think of a single work by Charles Bell that's considered non-empirical.

Remember, you said his work was discredited as having no empirical support. You were wrong and are still wrong.
So what this says right after your bold print that it's widely used. Which must mean it's widely accepted? Just saying. The last bold print that you posted talks about funding.

You know what isn't stated in your post? Pain Specitivity. Took me less than 3 minutes to discover that bit.
Dr. Bell is probably the most important key pioneer in pain understanding since Renee Descartes.

Why do you want to know my age? Do you think that if you're older, you're the wiser of us?
People have died in my arms. How old does that make me.
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I'm not anymore, but I can give examples all day long of these pain is not a signal something is wrong.

Bright light.
Concert noise.
Stomach gas.
Most headaches.
Your calf muscles after leg day.
All of those are, in fact, signals of something wrong. The headache is the least clear - the other as are pretty weird to claim nothing is wrong. Sure, occasionally pain is an incorrect signal, but to claim that means it isn’t a valid signal is just foolish.
Also, it helps to know a little about a groundbreaking scientist's work before you start making claims that their theories are somehow wrong. This man dissected spinal nerves and did early work on Bell's Palsy.

Work continues on and using Specificity to this day. Bell's research was a keystone...he wasn't some alchemist you know.

That someone did good work isn’t support for their other work. That’s just argument from authority, at best.
It’d be odd if he’d told you that under other circumstances.
I already had a lot of miles on me by that point. I do vaguely remember joking with him before I went under about my short leg (left femur was broken and bone was sticking out by my hip)🤣
Talk about moving did one Bing search and used it to suggest the work of Charles Bell has been "discredited".
Actually I did 15 bing searches and looked at 15 separate sources because I had doubts about the first 2 that I got. But then everything else said basically the same thing. That the Theory didn't hold up to Phantom limbs and hypnosis. I didn't dig into the hypnosis side of it.

There's only so much that one can learn in the 1800s by cutting into rabbits other animals and humans humans. And that's just the limits of technology.

As far as my bings searches. Yep that's what I do and I'm good at it. It doesn't take me long to find reliable information. The other thing that I'm good at is admitting when I'm wrong and thanking the person publically who showed me the correction.

I'm also confident in detecting when conversations shift as a way to escape topics of discussion.
We're done here. You are being intellectually dishonest, and so is whoever is intentionally slowing my access to the website, but still challenging me with interrogation.

Apparently the blood I can't wash off my hands, even in dreams, is a big joke to you.

Stick to Bing searches and stay away from medical research. Your claims about Charles Bell are uninformed.

Fear of pain is a major challenge to training. And amongst actual doctors, there is general consensus.
That someone did good work isn’t support for their other work. That’s just argument from authority, at best
Arguing from authority citing Charles Bell? That would be like telling me I'm arguing from authority citing Darwin on evolutionary morphology, or Einstein on tensor physics.

None of Bell's work is unsupported. Are you also learning as you go using Bing?

You are arguing from ignorance about the father of modern pain medicine. I'm sorry, this admin trolling combined with the intentional slowing down of my account is too much.

The anti science attitude here is not worth any more serious discussion. I thought we could have an intelligent conversation. You appear to want the last word, but you are wrong.