Struggling a lot with discipline since injury


Black Belt
Hi guys. I am writing as I'd like your advice. Around half a year back I injured my ankle badly as a result of a toe hold submission. I did not fully tear a ligament, but I did have to take a break as everytime I went back into training, someone would step on it or accidentally twist it and reinjure it. Ever since I have struggled a lot with discipline and staying consistent with my training. I was very lazy and also had cauliflower ear which I hate and had to take more time off. Now finally, as I started getting back into things I suffered a partial dislocation on my shoulder. Luckily it did not injure any ligaments so I am able to continue training so long as I avoid sparring for a few weeks. However, I find myself constantly skipping sessions out of laziness and keep trying to find excuses to do so. I have never struggled with this issue as much as I have now or for as long as I am now. I've only ever had it for a week or maybe two at a time but it has been a few months now, and it is really taking a toll on me. How can I recover from this? Thanks.
There’s a really good thread on a very similar topic, take a look.

What are your goals with your martial arts training? Do you need to be there 100%?

From 2014 - 2022 I was the senior instructor at my Taekwondo school. I was teaching from 4:30p-9p after work every weekday, and teaching in the mornings on Saturdays. At first it was a good replacement for my previous hobby (70+ hours per week of World of Warcraft), but after a while it started to become a stressful time suck. Before I started teaching, I had no real social life. After I started, my social life was entirely at the gym.

One thing I made clear to myself when I moved to my new town is that martial arts, while still important to me, isn't going to be the only thing in my life. I have no problem skipping class if there's a good reason to, even if it's just that I need a break that day.

If you're trying to be a high-end competitor, you need to go as much as you can. If your goals are more of the "fitness and self-defense", then maybe you don't need to push so hard. Even then, high-end athletes have rest days and days off.
Ivan, welcome back. Sorry to hear about your injuries. The more intensive your training in combat with others the more likely you are to get hurt. It's a price you pay. In the quest for excellence, it's possible to take it too far, and as you see, can work against this quest. Simple pain can be sucked up and worked thru, but joint injuries are different. They take a long time to heal. But you know all this. (I'm turning into my dad).

This is a good time to be lazy. It sounds like your body deserves it. But if you need to re-energize yourself, Gyakuto's advice to click on that thread is a good one. I did, and guess who started it? You!
Hi guys. I am writing as I'd like your advice. Around half a year back I injured my ankle badly as a result of a toe hold submission. I did not fully tear a ligament, but I did have to take a break as everytime I went back into training, someone would step on it or accidentally twist it and reinjure it. Ever since I have struggled a lot with discipline and staying consistent with my training. I was very lazy and also had cauliflower ear which I hate and had to take more time off. Now finally, as I started getting back into things I suffered a partial dislocation on my shoulder. Luckily it did not injure any ligaments so I am able to continue training so long as I avoid sparring for a few weeks. However, I find myself constantly skipping sessions out of laziness and keep trying to find excuses to do so. I have never struggled with this issue as much as I have now or for as long as I am now. I've only ever had it for a week or maybe two at a time but it has been a few months now, and it is really taking a toll on me. How can I recover from this? Thanks.
Sorry to hear about the injuries. The reality is they come with the territory. But it is extremely important to heal. Especially as young person, your body has the ability to hopefully heal quickly. However, you can feel 'good enough' before the injury is actually healed.
That ankle and shoulder injury could end up being a lifetime nuisance if you don't let them heal. Are you wearing a support or brace?

Skipping is normal and healthy, if done the right way. You can skip a workout(s) but still keep mentally involved in your craft.

Ask yourself this; what is pulling you away from your training? Are there other interests you want to pursue? Possibly it's time for a style change?

You have to assess what is consuming your time and set your priorities, then stick to them.
if you keep getting injured and you are young then you are obviously doing something wrong either you’re tapping to late out of ego or you or your partner are going to hard.

you’re being lazy? Well that’s on you strangers on the internet can’t stop you being lazy. It’s not rocket science you don’t want to be lazy? Okay then stop being lazy and go train
Hi, I hope you're recovering from the nagging injuries. As regards motivation, let's hear what one of the highest achievers in the history of the gaming industry has to say:


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