How am I intellectually dishonest?
And why do you think think someone here is slowing your access to the website? Maybe you need a better ISP plan, maybe your ISP plan isn't the fastest. Maybe you got malware slowing down your connection. Maybe you got tons of stuff running in the background. If you aren't on a computer, then maybe your mobile phone service just isn't the best. Why do you assume that someone from Martialtalk is going out of their way to specifically make your connection slow?
Goal Post Move Detection -
I don't even know what you are talking about. I'm pretty sure I didn't say anything about blood on your hands and your dreams. I definitely didn't say you are a joke. If you have mental and emotional trauma that has you unbalanced then you can either share it, keep it to yourself, or share it with your doctor. But don't put words into my mouth about how I see you as a person.
Through the entire thread, I haven't said anything about you as a person.
For what purpose? If someone wants to know about research, topics, or martial arts. One of the best places to go is the Internet. Which gives you access to other people's research, their findings, and experiences. If you don't mention Charles Bell then I won't mention Charles Bell. You were the one who originally mentioned the pain theory and Charles Bell not me.
You can also add another disagree to this post as well if it makes you feel better. It won't change how I respond to things. but it may make you feel better.
Moving Goal Post detection.
And know I haven't read it, because I don't see what it has to do with any of the previous conversations about "No pain, No gain" or about Martial arts training, nor about pain having no purpose.
I also don't want to know about it, because you see my disagreements as "Challenging you." So I'm giving you an out right here and now. If you don't want people to comment, share their thoughts, or disagree, then don't post it.
Everyone learns as they go. Everything you know now is the accumulated result of you learning as you go.
Again. What purpose would someone have to intentionally slow down the website just to get at you? That's not how websites work.
Feel free to start here
Speedtest by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test
Start with a speed test. If that shows your Internet speed is good then start looking at what is running in the background. Use bing to see what other things could be causing a slow connection. Learn as you go.
This is wrong. These guys are actually very into science from what I seen. Don't get them started on numbers and formulas. They like that type of stuff. As soon as you start talking about physic, you're going to be glad that they bing and google exists.
Two things that really get me going.
1. I don't like when people accuse me of being something I'm not.
2. I don't like when people accuse others of being something that they are not.
This website definitely has a nerd collection lol. No offense guys, but yeah. There's a reason I don't talk physics with you guys lol. Just saying. Martial Arts, Nerds, and Science are usually not far from each other. Two of the students from my old school are doctors and one is currently my doctor now. The other one is a surgeon. My son's doctor is a black belt in TKD. Just saying. Things like that seem to be the norm.
Even those who aren't doctors lean towards science and body mechanics. I guess it comes with the territory.