Siu Lim Tau Seminar in Rochester, NY

The Mark

Orange Belt
The Rochester Wing Chun Student Association will be giving a seminar on Siu Lim Tau ("The Little Idea"), the first form of Wing Chun Kune.
When, Sept 30, 2006, 10am-1:00pm
Where, RWCSA 1115 East Main St, Suite 413, Rochester, NY
Cost, $25.00
RSVP not required but greatly appreciated.
Contact Kathy Jo Connors or Mark Stoddard at or or phone 585-671-0870 (leave a message).
All experience levels are welcome. Participants must be 18 and above. We will accept youths as young as 16 provided an accompanying parent signs a waiver for them.
Siu Lim Tau is fascinating in that it is the beginning form, containing the basic posture, principles and techniques of Wing Chun, and it is also the most advanced form in the system.
The seminar will cover the sequence of movements, how the movements are done, positioning, "Yee Jee Kim Yeung Ma", the basic stance, the posture and structure, breathing and relaxation, the center line, applications and how Siu Lim Tau relates to the other forms in Wing Chun.

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