Siu Lim Tau Seminar Announcement

The Mark

Orange Belt
Hi everyone!

FYI and FYE. I hope we'll meet some of you all face to face.

You are invited to attend a Seminar on Siu Lim Tau, the "Little Idea" form of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Sponsored and hosted by the Rochester Wing Chun Student Association.

It will be Sunday September 26th from 1 pm to 4 pm.
The seminar will be at 1115 East Main St (corner of East Main and North Goodman),East Main Business Park (the Hungerford Building), Suite 413.The cost is $20.
RSVP is strongly recommended; Space is limited to 12, first-come, first-served. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and comfortable flat soled shoes.

All experience levels are welcome. The Siu Lim Tau form will provide an introduction to Wing Chun kung fu for those having no prior martial arts experience. For those experienced in the martial arts, come learn
something new and enhance the practice of your own system. Even if you study Wing Chun, be exposed to a different lineage's expression of the form.

Siu Lim Tau is the first form in the Wing Chun Kung Fu system. We believe that, though it is the basic form, it is also the most advanced. The form itself is compact and with fewer movements than those found in many other styles of kung fu.

The seminar will cover the basic posture and sequence of movements of Siu Lim Tau as well as how it relates to Wing Chun's Chi Sau or "Sticking Hands" exercises, the other Wing Chun forms, and movement.

The studio is on the fourth floor of the East Main Business Park. Enter at Door number 2 (it has a sign with a list of tenants above it) and go to the fourth floor using either the stairs or freight elevator.Once there, continue to the right until you reach the Suite 413.

Seminar for ages 16 and above. (Under 18 will need parents written permision) Also, attendees will be required to sign a waiver.

For those interested in learning more about Wing Chun, an introductory article is posted at:

Mark Stoddard, Kathy Jo Connors, and the Rochester Wing Chun Student Association


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