Seeking the Bridge: A Workshop on Chum Kiu

The Mark

Orange Belt
The Rochester Wing Chun Student Association presents a
workshop on Chum Kiu, "Seeking the Bridge".

Saturday March 19, 2005

9:00am to 1:00pm

1115 East Main St (corner of Goodman and East Main,
the Hungerford Building) Suite 413

$15.00 per participant

Number of participants limited to 12

Chum Kiu or "Seeking the Bridge" introduces the unique
turning and stepping of Wing Chun. It is the second of
the three empty hand forms in the system. Kicking is
also introduced in Chum Kiu, as the saying goes "A
step is a kick and a kick is a step."

The workshop is open to anyone interested.

Contact Mark Stoddard, 585-671-0870 (leave a message) or email to

Participants should wear flat smooth soled shoes and
comfortable clothing.

Please feel free to share this information with anyone you think would be interested.
Well, I feel odd "reviewing" my own workshop but I can fill you in on what happened.

It went very well I felt. We had people come from Canada and locally. Most were in our own group of course but Tai Chi was also reperesented.

The seminar covered the whole chum kiu set divided into 3 parts with some partner work between each part of the set.

The stance was gone over to start with and then the first part of the set. Turning practice followed then bong sau with a turn with a partner feeding the punch.

The 2nd part of the set followed by stepping practice. There were some more practice things but I can't remember them at the moment.

The the 3rd part with more partner work. And of course we took questions.

Our emphasis as always was on structure and keeping it together while moving. Also staying relaxed and not muscling the movements while working with a partner.

Below is from our neighbor to the North...

"The workshop on chum kiu has been full of insights that i can work and tink about, and (and i insisit on that) this has been really great to chi sao with both of you, i really enjoyed it, the time passed so quickly while we worked together! thank you for opening your structures enough for me to try things and work with you "

He was very flattering but it seemed everyone enjoyed it. The Tai Chi people got a look at a different way of applying similar principles and others saw the set for the first time and the different lineages got to compare and contrast.

After the workshop we grabbed a bite to eat and then we of course did some chi sau and had fun!! It was fun feeling the different styles and lineage.

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