Sifu is pissed off.

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I hope you know I wasn't talking about you with my explanation. I have no idea how you conduct yourself in the gym. But the word "swole" alone ( makes me cringe every time I hear or see it ) conjures up the images of the "Bros"....shudder

Brb, donating all my skin tight shirts.
Brb, donating all my skin tight shirts.

A good looking lad is fine as arm candy and a shag now and again but women prefer a partner who they can laugh with, who makes them feel comfortable and who shares interests. A braggart and show off who is talking to a woman with his eyes wandering to see who else is looking at him, who also goes off on one when someone says something he doesn't like is not the partner anyone wants. I'll tell you why that last is important... if you beat up an 'annoying' relative, a fellow student you think is stupid etc the thought will always be 'when is he going to hit me'? You can protest as much as you like that you wouldn't hit a woman but then you may have also said you would never beat up an old man or a weaker smaller person. Do you see where this is going? You are untrustworthy, your Sifu sees this, we see this and if you don't you need to look into yourself and really lay your soul bare. You are young, there's hope, but please listen to your instructor, listen with your ears open and your ego left outside. People have been far kinder on here than you deserve but perhaps we all remember times we've been stupid and a good person often a martial artist has put us on the right path so forget the muscles, the braggadocio, the inferiority complex and be a real person. You have arms and legs, a brain and are alive, you have everything you need, sort yourself out.
From angry sifu to how to impress women. Which topic will I choose.

Idk but I don't want to end up like one of those abusive guys on the lifetime movie network. My gf would probably take secret jiu jitsu classes to kimura me into the end credits.
I don't have time to just stop, all that time I am doing nothing I could be doing something to advance myself in martial arts. I want to become something big and quitting will do nothing to lead me toward that goal.
Perhaps addressing your emotional issues would advance your training, even more than the same hours spent in the training hall... because somehow, I suspect that you don't always listen well to your instructor. I learned a long time ago that the key to learning is to listen and follow directions.

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You are wrong, it's not about 'how to impress girls' at all, it's how to be a decent human being.

I think you got him wrong here. Not that JowGaWolf needs me or anyone else to defend his words, but I'm pretty sure he meant which one of the many issues should he address first. At least that's how I interpreted it.
I think you got him wrong here. Not that JowGaWolf needs me or anyone else to defend his words, but I'm pretty sure he meant which one of the many issues should he address first. At least that's how I interpreted it.

Impressing girls should never be taken as being an 'issue' to address rather it should be something one doesn't try to do! :)
Impressing girls should never be taken as being an 'issue' to address rather it should be something one doesn't try to do! :)
Could it be argued that "impressing girls" doesn't work, because the girls see it as a scattershot or off-the-rack approach. However, attempting to custom-impress one girl, by actually getting to know her and her specific preferences, might have some traction?

... assuming she already thinks you're a decent sort, and not a creep?
I think you got him wrong here. Not that JowGaWolf needs me or anyone else to defend his words, but I'm pretty sure he meant which one of the many issues should he address first. At least that's how I interpreted it.
You are wrong, it's not about 'how to impress girls' at all, it's how to be a decent human being.
Lol you just wanted to disagree with me. Even animals try to impress their mates with how they look physically. Humans are no different. As for being a decent human that's not something a person becomes, it's something a person strives to be. It requires constant work and many of us if not all of us have failed at this either by our actions or lack of action. Most of us if not all of us have had thoughts and emotions that wouldn't be considered as being a decent human.

I have yet to meet a decent human being but I've met many people who strive to be decent.
Impressing girls should never be taken as being an 'issue' to address rather it should be something one doesn't try to do! :)
wrong wrong wrong lol. You get 100 disagrees for that one statement. Attracting women is an issue dealing with women after men marry them is an issue too. Lol. If a person has a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife then they got issues lol
wrong wrong wrong lol. You get 100 disagrees for that one statement. Attracting women is an issue dealing with women after men marry them is an issue too. Lol. If a person has a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife then they got issues lol

No. One simply impresses people or one doesn't. One doesn't try.

Actually I think you misunderstood my post, my post ie my words weren't about attracting girls though the OPs may have been, mine weren't. As I know what I meant by my words you can't disagree with them. You can disagree that the issue is about attracting women or not but that is a different thing.
Lol you just wanted to disagree with me. Even animals try to impress their mates with how they look physically. Humans are no different. As for being a decent human that's not something a person becomes, it's something a person strives to be. It requires constant work and many of us if not all of us have failed at this either by our actions or lack of action. Most of us if not all of us have had thoughts and emotions that wouldn't be considered as being a decent human.

I have yet to meet a decent human being but I've met many people who strive to be decent.
Yes animals do but I thought humans were a bit more advanced than animals or maybe I got that wrong. Should we also eat our young and abandon them on a street because animals do that as well you know
Lol you just wanted to disagree with me. Even animals try to impress their mates with how they look physically. Humans are no different. As for being a decent human that's not something a person becomes, it's something a person strives to be. It requires constant work and many of us if not all of us have failed at this either by our actions or lack of action. Most of us if not all of us have had thoughts and emotions that wouldn't be considered as being a decent human.

I have yet to meet a decent human being but I've met many people who strive to be decent.

As I said though I wasn't talking about attracting women my point was solely about being a decent human being or trying to be if you prefer that.

I do know what my problems are. I constantly feel like what I do is never good enough, that's low self-esteem. I constantly seek positive reinforcement from others to help my self esteem problem. (Hence the sparring and fights)

My ego is large and at the same time fragile, I constantly do things to make people think I am strong and tough. Things such as lift weights, during the busiest gym hours so the more people can see how strong I am. I work out on the heavy bag when there are many people in there for the same reasons.

As a result of the ego problem which stems from low self esteem I give people too much power over me. They can basically influence how I feel by calling me weak ect. In short I care way too much about what other people think regarding my abilities when I shouldn't care at all.

Pretty much everything I do is for other people's opinions and first impressions. Wearing tight shirts, wearing sleeveless shirts, flexing too much. The things I do should not be for other people but for myself.

Fight with my uncle and beat him in a Judo match in front of my family, key term, in front of family. If they weren't there at all I probably wouldn't even had done it in the first place. Get in a fight with some douche a party, again, probably would have done nothing if it didn't threaten my ego which must be enormously awesome.

I get it, if you don't believe I get it simply because I am not angry, then I don't know what to tell you.

Doesn't exactly match this

I don't have time to just stop, all that time I am doing nothing I could be doing something to advance myself in martial arts. I want to become something big and quitting will do nothing to lead me toward that goal. want to continue training with your current shifu....or any true martial arts teacher for that matter.....quit your whining and your verbal posturing, take it seriously...and then listen to your shifu, man up, shut up and train.

And, for the record.... MMA vs TMA has nothing to do with it.. I know a local MMA gym owner/trainer/teacher who likely would have kicked you for that you did too. However I am not sure he would have given you any avenue back.

Beyond that what jks says here makes a lot of sense as it applies to the two above posts of your that I quoted

Perhaps addressing your emotional issues would advance your training, even more than the same hours spent in the training hall... because somehow, I suspect that you don't always listen well to your instructor. I learned a long time ago that the key to learning is to listen and follow directions.

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And, for the record.... MMA vs TMA has nothing to do with it.. I know a local MMA gym owner/trainer/teacher who likely would have kicked you for that you did too. However I am not sure he would have given you any avenue back.

I guarantee my BJJ coach would have kicked you out, he's already removed several people who were more interested in fighting than practicing....he simply won't tolerate it..
I guarantee my BJJ coach would have kicked you out, he's already removed several people who were more interested in fighting than practicing....he simply won't tolerate it..

I can't think of many who would give someone who was more interested in brawling a second chance. MMA and boxing gyms want to turn out competitors who are disciplined in their training, they don't want brawlers. MMA might be about fighting but not in the way the OP approaches it.
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