Sifu is pissed off.

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Sure. I now understand laws protect cowards. I'll now in general treat everyone like they are looking for a reason to press charges.

No. Laws protect normal, decent people from thugs and bullies. Don't be a thug or a bully and you won't have anything to worry about. This seems to be the root of your problems.
Your post reminds me of something my late instructor once said he was a police officer and he talked about the third person viewpoint. If a guy attacks you and he's punching you hard on the floor and a witness calls the police and you reverse and end up smashing the guy on the floor when the police turn they expect to see one guy beating up another guy and that's what they see. So they arrest the guy who was defending himself maybe he won't be charged but it's still on your record

It's not only that, it's a question of proportionality. I'll recycle an example from earlier. Let's say the OP and I know each other IRL. He decides, for whatever reason, that he wants to kick my ***. I know he trains in MA, I know he is a lot stronger than me, so I could justify using a force multiplier, say a disassembled pool cue, to neutralized the threat. Now if he stopped attacking BUT I continued to swing, I have crossed a line. If we both had the same strength/size I would not be justified is using a force multiplier but my duty to stop when he does would remain. That is why I mentioned the issue with one person not having injuries.

The problem you have is this. In a "he said, she said" argument all the Police have is the visual evidence. Who has injuries and who doesn't. Are the injuries consistent with being assaulted (broken nose), defensive (subject with scratches on the arms, consistent with a person scratch while being choked), offensive (bruised and/or bloody knuckles) etc. If the people in the bar, of your scenario. If the people in the bar say the guy on top was attacked first, as long as he doesn't go over the top, he will be detained and released, not arrested. If he goes over the top, or the other bar patrons refuse to talk, he is arrested and then must make his case to a judge because it's all about what a cop can prove, not what he might know.
Does hurting other people sit well with you? Even those who might be asking for it?

No the time I hurt that younger guy in sparring I felt terrible. The guy at the party I felt bad, because I felt like I went too far.

The other times I wanted to hurt them. I know that's bad but it's the honest truth. I am not proud of it but I feel like lying about it won't help anything.
Way to man up and take responsibility for your actions.

Literally everything I do or say. You will have an issue with it. Honestly what more can be done about it? I did that on accident, I apologized to him for it. Then I got banned from sparring until I learn better control. I didn't argue with the ban.

What more can be done about it?
No the time I hurt that younger guy in sparring I felt terrible. The guy at the party I felt bad, because I felt like I went too far.

The other times I wanted to hurt them. I know that's bad but it's the honest truth. I am not proud of it but I feel like lying about it won't help anything.
Well and I think this shows an important issue. You lack control both physically and emotionally to one degree or another. Twice in fights you went "to far" where you were not happy with the outcome. The final time you actually crossed the line to wanting to hurt someone. Now if it was just the first two I would say, "kid doesn't know his own strength, he may wish to talk to the Sifu about exercises he can do to better control the power behind his techniques.". The last one in the mix though has me concerned that maybe once aggression kicks in it runs away from you. In that case may want to talk to your Sifu on stress relief or aggression control techniques.

That said, honest question. For your weight program what kid of "supplements" if any, do you use. Some actually increase aggressive tendencies.

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Well and I think this shows an important issue. You lack control both physically and emotionally to one degree or another. Twice in fights you went "to far" where you were not happy with the outcome. The final time you actually crossed the line to wanting to hurt someone. Now if it was just the first two I would say, "kid doesn't know his own strength, he may wish to talk to the Sifu about exercises he can do to better control the power behind his techniques.". The last one in the mix though has me concerned that maybe once aggression kicks in it runs away from you. In that case may want to talk to your Sifu on stress relief or aggression control techniques.

That said, honest question. For your weight program what kid of "supplements" if any, do you use. Some actually increase aggressive tendencies.

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I used to inject testosterone but I dont anymore. Now I only take whey protein shakes.
When did you stop taking the injections? I don't know anything about them, but wonder if any aggression enhancement might last for a while after you stop.
When did you stop taking the injections? I don't know anything about them, but wonder if any aggression enhancement might last for a while after you stop.

Given that I doubt you get testosterone from your local doctor without having problems with your gland, the question is also whether or not he took testosterone or if it was some unknown thing purchased at local gym from his trusted pal.

A lot of questions and I dont think anyone should ever consider injecting testosterone without proper exam by his physician.
When did you stop taking the injections? I don't know anything about them, but wonder if any aggression enhancement might last for a while after you stop.

Given that I doubt you get testosterone from your local doctor without having problems with your gland, the question is also whether or not he took testosterone or if it was some unknown thing purchased at local gym from his trusted pal.

A lot of questions and I dont think anyone should ever consider injecting testosterone without proper exam by his physician.

It was a long time ago. Maybe 8 months ago it something. I bought them from a guy at the gym. They were still in the packaging and everything so I know it was legitimate testosterone and not roids or something crazy.
It was a long time ago. Maybe 8 months ago it something. I bought them from a guy at the gym. They were still in the packaging and everything so I know it was legitimate testosterone and not roids or something crazy.

That is probably the most stupid thing I have heard for a long time. I have no more words other than YOU BLOODY IDIOT.
?. Because I bought them from someone who was not a doctor? Or using them in general?

I think both options would work in this case. Injecting your body with testosterone without knowing your current levels of them is not normally a wise choice. Not to mention that thinking a package is proof of legitimate drugs, well it is dangerous to believe such a thing. In your case it probably was the real deal, and if it was not there is no way of knowing anyways at this point.

But what is done is done, it is not like you can undo that time. 8 months, if you are lucky it might be enough time to start becoming your normal self in bad case scenarios. If not, well there is nothing you can do about it anyways.
It was a long time ago. Maybe 8 months ago it something. I bought them from a guy at the gym. They were still in the packaging and everything so I know it was legitimate testosterone and not roids or something crazy.
The one thing is this, for future btw, since you stopped. A lot of that stuff labeled as testosterone etc come from on-line distributors in Mexico and the like. They forge labels so you think you are getting a good deal but in the end, if the stuff is testosterone, it's often stuff designed for animals and the like.

Back in the day I used to do Pro-Am road cycling and cyclocross. One of the reasons I stopped was because I saw people shooting up stuff, on their own, and they couldn't even be 100% sure where the stuff came from. I felt like I had the choice to keep being clean and just outside the top 10, or start using PEDs and risk my health.

Just as an example...

Sorry it's not in English, and no I wasn't in this race, this was a Euro Pro race, but the Trainer for the team was Ferrari, the same guy who later was Lance Armstrong's "prepatorie". Those three guys have a completely different gear that the rest of the peleton, welcome to the age of steroids and EPO. Who knows what it did to their bodies.

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No the time I hurt that younger guy in sparring I felt terrible. The guy at the party I felt bad, because I felt like I went too far.

The other times I wanted to hurt them. I know that's bad but it's the honest truth. I am not proud of it but I feel like lying about it won't help anything.

So basically you make a habit of beating people up, but it's ok because you feel bad about it afterwards. #facepalm

Literally everything I do or say. You will have an issue with it. Honestly what more can be done about it? I did that on accident, I apologized to him for it. Then I got banned from sparring until I learn better control. I didn't argue with the ban.

What more can be done about it?

You can stop making ******** excuses for your actions.

I used to inject testosterone but I dont anymore. Now I only take whey protein shakes.

AH, so foolish behavior and bad choices are not a new thing for you.

It was a long time ago. Maybe 8 months ago it something. I bought them from a guy at the gym. They were still in the packaging and everything so I know it was legitimate testosterone and not roids or something crazy.

No, you don't. Fake drugs come in fake packaging. Regardless of whether it was testosterone or roids, it absolutely was "something crazy", and you are just about the last person who should be screwing up their chemistry, given the lack of control and judgement and the outright despicable behavior you demonstrate.

?. Because I bought them from someone who was not a doctor? Or using them in general?

?. Because I bought them from someone who was not a doctor? Or using them in general?

All of the above, you bought it from a guy in a gym with no proper way to know what it really was or how to use it.

When you inject testosterone it actually interferes with your body producing it own. Your body basically says "oh we already have more than enough testosterone in our system, stop making it glands." That is actually how they test for it in competition, because exogeneous testosterone looks different than the stuff your body produces. This suppression of natural production can last for a long time and is not just related to how long you used the exogeneous testosterone but how large the doses were and what the actual purpose was (animal or human) consumption.

It is quite simply dangerous to do without the supervision of a physician and is only recommended for people suffering from low T.

You've gotten "better" but the initial use was dangerous to the point of near idiocy
The one thing is this, for future btw, since you stopped. A lot of that stuff labeled as testosterone etc come from on-line distributors in Mexico and the like. They forge labels so you think you are getting a good deal but in the end, if the stuff is testosterone, it's often stuff designed for animals and the like.

Back in the day I used to do Pro-Am road cycling and cyclocross. One of the reasons I stopped was because I saw people shooting up stuff, on their own, and they couldn't even be 100% sure where the stuff came from. I felt like I had the choice to keep being clean and just outside the top 10, or start using PEDs and risk my health.

Just as an example...

Sorry it's not in English, and no I wasn't in this race, this was a Euro Pro race, but the Trainer for the team was Ferrari, the same guy who later was Lance Armstrong's "prepatorie". Those three guys have a completely different gear that the rest of the peleton, welcome to the age of steroids and EPO. Who knows what it did to their bodies.

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When my doctor found out about it becuase the marks on me from injection she got angry and told me to stop. She explained that it can lead to many health problems such as cancer and future hormonal imbalance so I quit doing it.

Now if given the choice between any performance enhancing substance or performing less than those cheaters. I'll just take the lower performance. Also I feel like I don't need them, when I was on them my max bench was 270. I was stuck there for a long time and when I hit 280 and later on went beyond that I was off the shots.
I guess the real picture is coming clear.

I really do hope it gets better for you, that you haven't done lasting damage to yourself and you can straighten out your behavior before there are some really serious consequences.

You might need professional help to get through it.
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