-What would have happened if he challenged Mike Tyson for the IBF HW title when he held it? He’d be told to competed, win and work his way up to the “champion” as well. No?
why would he want to? lol! I think you've missed the point of the Gracie and Emin conflict. Besides, he'd just get his ear bit off!
-Glad that you have trust in your husband. To bad you feel that way about other male teachers. But I wonder if it’s their prejudices or yours that’d keep you from learning the “right” way??
My teachers in the past have been pretty good when it came to martial arts, but really bad when it came to basic morals. Plus, the way a man will fight will differ from the way a woman or a smaller person needs to fight. My past styles were taught by big strong men who depend on strength and their large size. So, I've had to alter the techniques so they would work for me. Example. Japanese Ju-Jitsu throwing/judo. these guys taught me technique using almost all back and arm strength. I had to figure out the proper technique to throw these 200 lbs guys on my own through trial and error. And the error was the way they were teaching. For again, my husband has rank in Judo and confirms this, and was upset I had to figure out the proper techniques by myself. Plus, the federation was dirty, and so were the senior black belts. It happens, believe it.
-I love this excuse. Have you ever seen or even heard of someone getting jumped by one of the Gracie’s “gang”? Pathetic excuse. You can and could put a limit on the people present or if you’re an accomplished martial artist like Emin you could bring your own students. On a side note what do you think all those bystanders would do to your husband at the tournament?
He's already fought these types of GJJ people, friend. no big deal. As for the Gracie "gang", yes, I have heard of these GJJ people "jumping" folks at their very own schools. They bully, insult, and try to goad people to fight. It's really childish. And as for the "bystanders" at this tournament, they were all "masters" of their art, black belts under the others guy system. Not exactly bystanders. It was a "masters tournament" remember? This guy has been trying to get us to join his federation for two years. He wants 20% of our monthly profits from teaching WC, he's a TKD instructor, what would we do that for? Just because he's a "grand master" of whatever? Since we won't join him, he's done everything in is peudo power to cause us trouble with the school and in our personal lives. He has many schools in our area, and we're not sure why he wants us to joing so bad. The guy is a hustler, and trying to muscle in on our school, style, and family business. So what do I think he'd actually DO if he went to the tournament? I'm not sure, but it will be something I couldn't quite forsee, I don't think like this guy does. He's dishonest, money motivated, and has a huge head (ego), and I don't trust him at all.
I just used that as an example of what not to get involved in if your smart. If you know someone's trying to use you for reputation, money or whatever gain. Like Emin, he wanted more equal ground. And we will have it soon to deal with this issue, if it doesn't take care of itself on it's own.
Lol! I don’t believe anyone here stated grappling was “always good.” I think your comment for the video should be that “grappling BADLY isn’t always a good idea” (actually it never is). If you want to use video to demonstrate WT’s or WC’s effectiveness maybe look to the Emin/W.Cheung video. At least there you have two know entities in a fight and not a WT guy and a “grappler” whose skill sets are unknown. Or would you say Emin is also a better grappler than those MMA or BJJ types who “
shrug off the thought of being hit repeatedly in the head face, and neck.” At least your not making assumptions about those MMA/BJJ types.
I'll try to hit on a couple of points here. Emin was a Turkish wrestler at the time of the Cheung fight. people keep refering to this fight as a demonstration of his "grappling skill". It is in a way, but Turkish wrestling is NOT "grappling" so to compare it to such is ignorance. He took Chueng to the ground because he knew that was his weakness, plain and simple. As for Turkish wrestling, I know nothing about that art, and neither does anyone elese here that I've seen, or they haven't spoken up. so how can anyone judge? don't judge things you cannot understand. simple.
If a video of a pit fight isn't good enough for you to see the effectiveness of WT then, You seem to base alot of your opinions on the outcomes of UFC fights. sad. The guys that were claiming to be VT or WT in the early UFC years I really don't care about or am very impressed. I never saw them use a hint of Wing Chun in their fights. Just like any other art, their are quality schools and weak schools.
Plus, if that guy actually got the WT fighter to the ground in that pit fight the crowd would have just stomped his head most likely like they did when he was taken to the ground. Grappling, is it EVER a really good idea in the street? That is the true question.
-Huh? What does a MMA fighter losing to another MMA fighter have to do with this? Has Matt Hughes been training with Emin? Is that how Emin decided to get the Gracies? LOL!!!
It proves my point that no matter how many times they lose, people still think the Gracies are the "best". Royce has lost a couple of times before that fight. His fighters have been beaten on many occasions. But, you never see video of those fights. No, darlin' they only post videos where they win. It's all propoganda to me, media blather and playing to the masses to get what they want. money. I choose not to play those games, and make others that do play them wealthy, neither does Emin. I just find it very unfortunate that so many wish to try to fight this way, especially women. MMA for women is really not a great idea. Unless they want to train and get fit like a professional boxer and compete in the sport. Or smaller people for that matter. (which I happen to be both, lol! at 5'5 112lbs.)
It's been my experience that I need pure technique, speed, timing, and adaptablity. Not strength, brute force, and over confidence in techniques that "should" work for me because they work for other big strong men who train all day everyday, have the best personal trainers money can buy, the best available diet, and who are purse fighters for a living. Reality check. That's not me, or my even possible lifestyle, so why try to emulate it in my training?