Should Taekwondo be standardized?

Just like most early kwans in Korea, Chung Do Kwan originally was teaching karate forms such as Pyung Ahn 1-5, Bassai Tae, Kong Son Kun, etc. But, most teachers from those kwans switched to the new KTA black belt forms (Koryo, Tae Baek, Jee Tae, Kum Gang, etc.) in December 1967, then gup-grade students switched to Palgue in the early 1970's. Some even switched to the 1974 Tae Guek forms and the 1974 version of Koryo. Just the way things progressed for most schools in Korea at that time. To be recognized by an organization you have to conform to their standards. It's not a problem if you don't care or are not affected by such things.

R. McLain
Well I have 3rd Dan and 4th Dan certificates from the Kukkiwon, with Kukkiwon ID numbers, signed by Dr. Un Yong Kim. For all of my color belt tests I did the Palgue forms, and I do the Koryo forms now. So I don't know what to tell you.:idunno:
MichiganTKD said:
Well I have 3rd Dan and 4th Dan certificates from the Kukkiwon, with Kukkiwon ID numbers, signed by Dr. Un Yong Kim. For all of my color belt tests I did the Palgue forms, and I do the Koryo forms now. So I don't know what to tell you.:idunno:
This just means that a Kukkiwon Dan application was signed by one holding high enough Kukkiwon rank. The Kukkiwon assumes the person administering the test and/or signed the application did so under their guidelines.

The newer Dan and Poom certificates are signed by GM UHM, Woon Kyu.

Now a Dan certificate signed by Mr. Uhm, to me, would be special. Aside from being my Instructor's Instructor, he is the President of Chung Do Kwan in Korea and a recognized elder statesman in Korean Tae Kwon Do. That, to me, adds a certain credibility to his role as Kukkiwon President. I am pretty sure that some or many legitimate Tae Kwon Do masters never fully accepted Dr. Kim's role in the WTF and Kukkiwon since he was not a Tae Kwon Do Master. They saw him as more an administrator (albeit a good one). Nonetheless, I think the highest roles in World Tae Kwon Do should go to Tae Kwon Do instructors since they have actually practiced the art and are familiar with it.
MichiganTKD said:
Now a Dan certificate signed by Mr. Uhm, to me, would be special. Aside from being my Instructor's Instructor, he is the President of Chung Do Kwan in Korea and a recognized elder statesman in Korean Tae Kwon Do. That, to me, adds a certain credibility to his role as Kukkiwon President.
I agree. I don't have a dan certificate signed by GM UHM, Woon Kyu, but I think mine was the first group to take the Instructor Course after he became Kukkiwon President. I have 2 certificates from that course signed by him.

MichiganTKD said:
I am pretty sure that some or many legitimate Tae Kwon Do masters never fully accepted Dr. Kim's role in the WTF and Kukkiwon since he was not a Tae Kwon Do Master. They saw him as more an administrator (albeit a good one). Nonetheless, I think the highest roles in World Tae Kwon Do should go to Tae Kwon Do instructors since they have actually practiced the art and are familiar with it.
Actually, I think I read somewhere in the Modern History of TKD that GM UHM, Woon Kyu was one of those seeking Dr. Kim's election to President of KTA in the early days. Also, it is not uncommon, even in America, for business folks to sit on various boards for corporations despite not being in the industry themselves. It does bring a different perspective to the business. I can't remember his name, but the President of Samsung Electronics was KTA president for a term.

BTW, your Kukkiwon certificates should have the same number. It is sort of like a Social Security number-stays with you forever.


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