I must have missed that, This is the first time I've seen you say that... previously you just kept repeating "what options". That aside, I see where you are coming from now...
I *did* say the only option in some small towns is the Catholic services provided. Am I confusing MT with FB?? Perhaps - nonetheless, since you read it there and you're reading it here, it HAS been repeated.
Does that Justify giving up our rights? You say yes, but of course I see you on other threads saying "Another right we just gave up" so I dunno what to think about that either...
What rights are WE giving up when WE can only get the services Catholics want to provide regardless of our NEED? The right to practice our religion? Why can't we legislate, according to the constitution, that Catholic patients in a Catholic hospital who don't want abortions because of their religion don't get any and Catholic patients who DO want abortions (or birth control or whatever) regardless of their religion CAN get them in a Catholic hospital? Since prayer and surgery are *seperate* *services* ... unless they're providing psychic surgery or spiritual healing and I'm pretty sure we might have some strong feelings on that.
Let me do some research, and I'll get back to you.
Mkay ....