Should The US Start Some Sort Of Universal Health Care System?

To the anonymous troll who decided to tell me i've never worked in a poor community, i'll say this....not only HAVE I worked in a poor community, I grew up poor. I'm still what many would consider poor. I and my wife work two jobs apiece and I go to school to support our family (such spoiled opulance, I live in, I know). The difference is that I don't blame others for my place in the world. But, then, I guess belief in hard work is the problem...The world would be a better place if we bought in to the victim mentality some apparently do...Then we could all blame each other for our problems and wonder around begging someone else to solve our problems for us.

What's more, I find it telling that they have nothing to say about my plan that provides healthcare AND allows them to take a hand in their own destiny. Again, it's the same old class warfare rhetoric who's only purpose seems to be demonization of anyone who disagrees. It's apparent compromise is not part of the agenda. So be it.

"How about the US government get in to the health care business like any other company. Those that don't have coverage can pay the US government as a provider, and the US government can roll all profits over to providing coverage. This doesn't cost me a dime, you a dime, and the people who use it pay for it. It doesn't get any fairer than that. As a provider of services, the US government doesn't have to worry about a profit margin, they can simply pay out what they get in."

I don't see where that plan is 'unfair' or doesn't serve the purpose. It is also not confiscatory in nature.

I read your plan for healthcare and I have to ask, sorry if this was asked earlier. It is late, my curiousity is peaked but my eyes are tired. :)

You state that you want the government to make a rock bottom priced health care that the people that fall inbetween the cracks can afford. They make too much for medicaid, yet too little to afford the high premiums.

Respectfully, I am following your line of thinking, however, I can only imagine this would piss off a large majority of American citizens that are lining the pockets of big HMO's with high premiums and cause more problems. You say it won't be any money out of your pocket, but in my experience, nothing run by the government turns enough of a profit to be self sustaining, or maybe that is just Canada ;). Another thing, who or what would determine that you make too little to afford high premiums, who would decided you could afford it? The formula's variables would be great and complicated and could cause more problems in the long run. People would end up getting through loop holes and getting this discount premium who don't deserve it. Nothing is ever perfect.
Lisa said:

I read your plan for healthcare and I have to ask, sorry if this was asked earlier. It is late, my curiousity is peaked but my eyes are tired. :)

You state that you want the government to make a rock bottom priced health care that the people that fall inbetween the cracks can afford. They make too much for medicaid, yet too little to afford the high premiums.

Respectfully, I am following your line of thinking, however, I can only imagine this would piss off a large majority of American citizens that are lining the pockets of big HMO's with high premiums and cause more problems. You say it won't be any money out of your pocket, but in my experience, nothing run by the government turns enough of a profit to be self sustaining, or maybe that is just Canada ;). Another thing, who or what would determine that you make too little to afford high premiums, who would decided you could afford it? The formula's variables would be great and complicated and could cause more problems in the long run. People would end up getting through loop holes and getting this discount premium who don't deserve it. Nothing is ever perfect.
It's not going to make them any madder than taking money from them in the form of confiscatory taxes, for a program they have no intention of using. Again, they're not paying for the system.

In addition, a system whereby 50 million Americans pay for healthcare coverage directly from the government, is FAR cheaper than a scheme where 300 million people are allegedly covered through confiscatory taxes.

As for coming up with forumulas for who qualifies for programs, this is nothing new to the US government. We already have programs for those who get free coverage through medicare and medicaid benefits.

I'm confident that a voluntary program, allowing people to buy in to a government insurance program would fill the role everyone wants to see the government fill with the uninsured and underinsured without the silly idea of covering every man woman and child in the country "whether they want to be or not".

Of course, that's assuming that our REAL goal is affordable coverage for those who currently aren't covered, and not just a way to get the "rich" to pay for an entitlement program, because we think we shouldn't have to pay for it ourselves and, besides, "they deserve to pay anyway".
sgtmac_46 said:
To the anonymous troll who decided to tell me i've never worked in a poor community, i'll say this....not only HAVE I worked in a poor community, I grew up poor. I'm still what many would consider poor. I and my wife work two jobs apiece and I go to school to support our family (such spoiled opulance, I live in, I know). The difference is that I don't blame others for my place in the world. But, then, I guess belief in hard work is the problem...The world would be a better place if we bought in to the victim mentality some apparently do...Then we could all blame each other for our problems and wonder around begging someone else to solve our problems for us.

What's more, I find it telling that they have nothing to say about my plan that provides healthcare AND allows them to take a hand in their own destiny. Again, it's the same old class warfare rhetoric who's only purpose seems to be demonization of anyone who disagrees. It's apparent compromise is not part of the agenda. So be it.

"How about the US government get in to the health care business like any other company. Those that don't have coverage can pay the US government as a provider, and the US government can roll all profits over to providing coverage. This doesn't cost me a dime, you a dime, and the people who use it pay for it. It doesn't get any fairer than that. As a provider of services, the US government doesn't have to worry about a profit margin, they can simply pay out what they get in."

I don't see where that plan is 'unfair' or doesn't serve the purpose. It is also not confiscatory in nature.

Actually I like your idea :). In fact this idea might work for not only health care but universal education as well (well maybe).

Regardless on what path we take, we really need to privatize social security, it is a waste for everyone in the country. This includes the poor considering that the retirement fund you receive from the government is enough to pay for maybe 1 month of living. It isnÂ’t the awnser;).

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