Should people post why they disagree

Explaining your reason for disagreement is a nice thing to do but it's not mandatory that being said. If you don't have to do something a lot of people won't. That and the fact that a lot of people feel that they don't owe anyone anything.
Some odd people click the disagree button as retaliation. It’s childish. I’ve observed that they always keep it even. If you disagree with them, they disagree with you. Kind of funny when it happens.
Some even seek out other posts of your just to disagree some more, sprinkling them randomly.
Personally, I won't bother to do more than click DISAGREE if the situation seems to be of the flogging a dead horse variety
Sometime back I posted about being able to take back stuff I said earlier. When it comes to the concept of flogging a dead horse that's what I was talking about. Lets say I say something 100,001 times. I want to be able to take back the first one million times I said it so that I can make the 100,001th time the first time.
Some odd people click the disagree button as retaliation. It’s childish. I’ve observed that they always keep it even. If you disagree with them, they disagree with you. Kind of funny when it happens.
No they don’t.

Sorry, I just couldn’t help it. :)
I've stopped tracking when someone agrees or disagrees with me. I discovered that I was slowing caring about the wrong things. Now I don't know if anyone agrees or disagrees with me unless they post something along with it. As a result, I have a better experience on this website than I was when I first joined.
I've stopped tracking when someone agrees or disagrees with me. I discovered that I was slowing caring about the wrong things. Now I don't know if anyone agrees or disagrees with me unless they post something along with it. As a result, I have a better experience on this website than I was when I first joined.
In many (most?) cases, clicking "disagree" and not posting a reply can be interpreted as "I disagree with this, but not strongly enough to argue" or "I disagree, but that dead horse has been flogged enough".
In many (most?) cases, clicking "disagree" and not posting a reply can be interpreted as "I disagree with this, but not strongly enough to argue" or "I disagree, but that dead horse has been flogged enough".
ha ha ha.. nah not here.
That ominous red "thumb down" looks SO negative. It looks too much like a "dislike," so I have used it only for extreme cases. But disagreeing is not the same as not liking. Perhaps reworking the emoji or adding a couple more choices will allow us to more exactly express our reactions.
I'd personally love a "your post evoked within me a sense of pensive reflectiveness of which I am brought through an inquisitive mood and an earnest journey of curiosity and state of wonderment and awe for the rest of the day..." emoji reaction.

---> 🤔 ?

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