Actually the rebuttal was spot on. Your deflection had little to do with my point, which was all of these tales of grappling in Karate didn't start popping up until MMA arrived on the scene. Again, before the UFC, even Judo schools were neglecting Newaza practice, and they were neglecting it for decades. So much so that when Bjj emerged on the world stage, it was like an entirely different system.
If Judoka were barely doing Newaza, its laughable to think that Karateka were doing it in any serious manner.
Really? And you are an expert on Judo as well as karate now? Just because you say something doesn't make it actually what is happening
everywhere.. Just because you didn't do something doesn't mean others don't do it, unless your ego is so monstrous that unless you are doing something then it simply doesn't exist? So, all around the world no karateka has been doing no grappling at all, ever because you say so and because something has been 'forgotten' it will always stay forgotten even if people talk about it, practice it, it will be forever forgotten?
Then we come to the nub of all your posts, the superiority to everything of BJJ, we get that you love your BJJ, that it's your saviour, you've seen the light and given your soul to the great being that is BJJ. Well, good for you, it doesn't however make you an expert on all martial arts nor even an expert on BJJ. It makes you someone who enjoys his style and has a modicum of knowledge, that should be satisfying to anyone, learning something, improving it and enjoying it but no, what is really enjoyable is baiting people on the internet by rubbishing their style, trolling long and loud about how useless they are and generally being offensive. It's a style of posting designed to create the maximum amount of irate responders ( yes
it's the style of posting I'm deploring not the person who I'm sure wouldn't be rude enough to do it to people's faces)
Good people have given time over to considered posts on karate, to see them treated as though they were idiots is disappointing, to see their words twisted to mean something else in order to try to win points is sad, it's not worthy of martial artists who should at least have respect for other martial artists even if they consider what they do ineffective or useless because the truth is that those martial artists may well know something you don't.
A person's style doesn't look any better or shine as a style when you rubbish someone else's martial arts, it just tarnishes both styles.