I I would also be interested in hearing about the similarities and synergies he discovers with-in the CMA traditions and practices.
The breathing in Systema is, from what I read inhale through the nose exhale through the mouth, this is done because it is apparently easier to relax the breathing that way. So far I have not found this to be true, but it could be because of my qi gong training. But I am sticking with the systema breathing during the exercises in the book (sit-ups, push-ups, knee bends, leg raises, etc) and it does seem to make the exercise feel VERY different with less focus on muscular exertion and more on breathing. I am finding it is easier to do these exercises in this way.
As to the actual breathing (to simplify so I do not have to type a book of my own here), qi gong emphasizes breathing in and out with the nose and it is breathing that is trying to use the entire lung capacity (belly breathing) which can in the beginning be a bit stressful because you are not use to it. The goal is to soften and extend the breath, building to a longer inhale and longer exhale that is not so much more air but breathing more slowly and more relaxed.
The ultimate goal is the same.... breathe and relax while doing it. But in most Qigong exercises there is a definite pattern to the breathing, arms up inhale arms down exhale kind of thing. And in most martial arts I have done there is the same idea about breathing certain moves requires certain types of breathing. However as I mentioned my Taiji is basically looking at breathing as "yes you should" this means that it will adjust to what it should be as the postures adjust and get better. And my Xingyi teacher also recently emphasized NOT locking breathing to application but yet there is still a breathing pattern for the form that is used to enhance Qi, unify the body which then produces greater power in attack (Xingyi is big on attack - Xingyi is one of the few MA styles that uses attack as defense)
I have been trying the systema breathing while walking as the book suggests and I have found 3 things. 1 if I can follow it for an entire walk I generally feel pretty good, but currently it takes a lot of concentration to do that. 2 if while doing the systema breathing I loose concentration I can get winded very fast even in a simple walk. 3 if I do not use systema breathing a walk is simply a walk and I am not breathing as every second throughout that walk. It is rather interesting walking this way and I think I will continue doing this and try to continue with Systema's breathing while doing this. However I have not (in a very long time) done any walking with Qigong breathing and I think I will try that this week as well. However if memory serves to begin walking with qigong in mind it is a very slow walk at first.
I’m sorry if my comments made you feel bad about your question regarding any connection between systema and the ROC. I was just referencing my experiences and what I saw as a divide between what I was told and what I saw and heard.
No worries, I just try and avoid religious discussions if at all possible (no one ever wins and it always ends up and argument and generally a locked thread) and I have been in a few spirituality in the martial arts discussions here on MT and my stance is always that it is intrinsic and that if you want spirituality go to church not to an MA class. There is a lot more to how I feel about this but I really REALLY do not want to get into it here, been there done that and this post is not really about that. I was just curios about what appeared to be a rather overt connection to Russian Orthodoxy. Nothing wrong with it, I am just not use to it.
DIT: I see I made a slight error here that could cause a bit of confusion the statement
"my stance is always that it is intrinsic and that if you want spirituality go to church not to an MA class"
Should have been
"my stance is always that it is intrinsic and that if you want
overt spirituality go to church not to an MA class"