Saddam's Soldiers Surrender

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Mar 9 2003

Mike Hamilton reports from Camp Coyote in Kuwait:

TERRIFIED Iraqi soldiers have crossed the Kuwait border and
tried to surrender to British forces - because they thought
the war had already started.

The motley band of a dozen troops waved the white flag as
British paratroopers tested their weapons during a routine

The stunned Paras from 16 Air Assault Brigade were forced to
tell the Iraqis they were not firing at them, and ordered
them back to their home country telling them it was too
early to surrender.

Meanwhile Saddam Hussein has ordered thousands of troops
back to Baghdad as he turns the city into a fortress.

It is believed that two rings of steel are being established
around Baghdad. The outer one consists of regular Iraqi army
soldiers and the inner one is made up of Republican Guard
fighters - thought to be the only troops that will put up
fierce resistance.

end excerpts...........
They probably should have taken the soldiers who gave up. This way it would be that many less to worry about. If it were possible.
I seem to remember that his famed Republican Guard crack troops were among some of the first to bail on his silly ***...

Crack troops - right! They give up faster and more aggressively than 10 regular troops combined!
well hopefully this war (if it becomes one) will not take years. It bugs me everytime I look at the usa today and find that Bin Laden is still out there hiding, running from cave to cave and we still can't catch him. God bless our troops for still being over there doing all they can do.:asian: :asian: :asian:
No wonder the french like them so much!!! it all makes sense now!
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
They probably should have taken the soldiers who gave up. This way it would be that many less to worry about. If it were possible.

Well at least the Brits confiscated all of their weapons and ammo right? :2pistols:

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