Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Are you arguing that the rich are treated equally under the law? Are you arguing that their kids don't have big advantages from the git-go? As far as I can see, you're arguing that it's perfectly OK for them to have advantages, not that they have no advantages--so we're in agreement
Some of the rich are treated differently under the law. Many people have some sort of advantage over others in what is supposed to be an equal playing field in the eyes of the law.
Now, if you try to make the case that
all rich people have some sort of super advantage over the peons, that is a broad statement that treats everyone in a group the same instead of on their individual merits. In other words, bigotry.
And the distrubution of wealth you propose would hit every rich person equally, whether or not they commited some offense against others. So you would treat every rich person based, not on what they do themselves, but on what you think of the nature of the entire group. This is bigotry.
It does not matter how much you say, "but it is true! all Xs really are Y," any attempt to treat each member of a group not as an individual but rather by the group they belong to is bigotry. And bigotry and greed is what you are appealing to and justifying your grab of other peoples wealth.
And, if rich people get out of certain laws or get treated better by the goverment, is not the correct response to tryt to prevent them from getting out of laws we have to follow? The only side of this aurgumetn that makes the claim that certain people should be treated differently under the law is your side.
And let us get back to the fact that you complain about people who inherit advantages, and your using this as justification for taking away the rights of
anyone who has more wealth than you. Why is it wrong for me to work hard to give my daughter a better life? I am not some Kennedy scion that you can demonize. I am a working class guy who wants to make my child's life better. You are complaining about how people inherit wealth. Well if I can get some wealth, I want to pass along
every penny of it to my daughter. It probably will not be enough to buy the state of Texas, but if I can get enough money to send her to the best university I will. You complain about how the rich do not get into such places on their own finances, I am an example of a father eager to make the sacrifices to give my daughter any advantage such an education can give her. And you are the one that says that other people, like yourself, should somehow pass judgemetn on whether she is worthy or not for my money.
Now why should I give you any say what so ever in how I deal with my wealth and what I pass along to my daughter?
We are talking principles here. Please do not bring up examples of bad people that inherited wealth. We know that there are abuses in every factor and element of human existence. Tell me why you have the right to take away the wealth I build up from practically nothing and out of the mouth of my child.
If you,
you want to help those that are less advantaged with your own money, I will only applaud. But you are talking about how you should have a say in the wealth I build and pass along to a daughter I love more than life itself. Charity begins at home. There are many things you can do to help those that need it that does not indirectly line your own pockets.