Nice try, slick.
First of all, "Weapons unaccounted for" and "weapons found" are 2 seperate things. Does CNN lie? When their sources of information lie, then yes, they lie too. Don't believe everything you hear.
From a 1994 Senate Report, here is a list of Chemical and Biological Agents our U.S. government allowed U.S. corporations to sell Saddam Hussien between 1985 and 1990:
Bacillus Anthracis; or as we commonly know as "Anthrax", and is fatal.
Clostridium Botulinum; A bacterial source of Botulinum toxins with lots of nasty effects on the human body, and is often fatel.
Histoplasma Capsulatum: Causes disease superficially resembling TB that may cause pnemonia, enlargement of liver and spleen, anemia, influenza like illness, and acute inflamitory skin disease. Reactivation of the infection involves lungs brain, and a host of other vitals.
Brucella Melitenis: Causes chronic fatigue and major damage to vital organs.
Clostridium Perfringens: Highly toxic, causes gas gangrene. Basically causes tissue damage and death.
Also, Escherichia Coli (Known commonly as "E. Coli"), genetic materials, and human and bacterial DNA were shipped to Iraq Attomic Energy Commission.
Records of Corporate sales to Iraq prior to 1985 were "unavialable". The Senate report also said, "These exported biological materials were not attenuated or weakened and were capable of reproduction."
Some of the companies who had "permission" by our government to send over these harmful materials during the Reagan/Bush Senior years are American Type Culture Collection, Alcolac International, Matrix Churchill Corp., Sullaire Corp., Pure Aire, and Gorman-Rupp. Other companies that sent over technoligies that were "Dual use" to be used for both defense and other are Hewlett Packard, AT&T, Bechtel, Caterpillar, DuPont, Kodak, and Hughes Helicopter. These "dual use" technologies were all approved by the department of Commerce from 85-90; 1.5 billion worth, ranging from chemical and biological components to computers and equipment for conventional and nuclear weapons systems.'s an interesting question. Why the heck would we do such a thing? For one, we certianly profited short term by suppling him with the stepping stones to chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons.
But that wasn't even a fraction of "WHY". We decided during the Iraq/Iran war that Iraq COULD NOT lose that war. So we did everything we "Legally" could ensure Saddam was victorieous, knowing full well that they were going to use chemical and biological agents to do so.
Saddam was given advice by Reagan, delivered by Bush I, to step up the air raid against Iran, according to Howard Teicher, member of the Security council, in a sworn affidavit in 1995. So, not only did "we" the U.S. provide these crazy WMD to Saddam, but our former presidents weren't afraid to get their hands dirty with them either.
So...did Saddam have WMD at one time? Sure...all GW Bush had to do was count the profits as they rolled in from his campaign backers to his account, and his dads and Reagans accounts in the past, and check the reciepts from those companies as well.
So...we KNOW he had them in the 80's, but they swore up and down that they didn't have them anymore. We swore up and down that we had undeniable proof that they were lying. So...who's lying now? The only proof we had was our reciepts from the 80's. If they had any left from over a dacade ago, we would have found them. We haven't found S**t.
Now, if yall think this is too appalling to believe any of this, just check the Senate report for yourself by Donald W. Riegle Jr., U.S. Senate, 103d Congess, 2d session, May 25, 1994. For the list of companies, check April 1998 Issue of "The Progressive" Cover story by William Blum, or LA Weekly's report in issue april25-may1 by Jim Crogan. You can also see the declassified report by the US General Accounting office, released Feb. 7, 1994 (published in 92) to find info on our exportation of "dual use" technologies. The New York Times and Washington Post both documented well the Iraq/Iran conflict, and Reagans commitment to ensure Iraqi victory. Also, for a history on U.S./Iraq search through "National Security Archive." Some of these are online at:
Now...since I am on a rant, I might as well include this. If you want to find some information on Companies landing post-war reconstruction contracts worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and their financial contributions to George W. Bush and the Republican Party, Center for Responsive Politics, or this site:
Sorry there wasn't more information in our "mainstream liberal media," But I find in funny that many of our main news sources don't focus on these FACTS. :shrug:
I included that last tidbit, you know, in case you were wondering why we REALLY went to war.
Weapons of Mass destruction....Republigga please....!