Senior Master
OK....just checking
And you have to admit that some folks will accept some things when one pres is in office but not accept similar behavior from another.
Oh, yes. I know that quite well.
Waco...what it comes down to is that they should have negotiated. Even if it took months like the Freeman siege (Montana?). What was the pressing reason to storm the place? Political concerns overrode good tactical sense. The initial raid, good idea or not is a different story, but once the @#$% hit the fan they should have contained and waited it out.
I agree. They probably could have done it on the cheap, too. That operation as run by DOJ ran up some bucks, if I recall.

Oh, yes. I know that quite well.
Waco...what it comes down to is that they should have negotiated. Even if it took months like the Freeman siege (Montana?). What was the pressing reason to storm the place? Political concerns overrode good tactical sense. The initial raid, good idea or not is a different story, but once the @#$% hit the fan they should have contained and waited it out.
I agree. They probably could have done it on the cheap, too. That operation as run by DOJ ran up some bucks, if I recall.