Hey Bob
I must say that your reasoning and support is good. You used some good sources with some good information, but you declined to look into the money trail and that is where your argument fails.
Simply looking at where the US gets the majority of its oil is not going to explain why we are in Iraq at this moment. A better peice of information is the fact that Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world (the 1st being Russia - but we'll get to that later)
Think about this Bob. Just how much oil does Iraq have? How much could they produce? If a company has rites (and the use of this word is deliberate) of sale for that oil and suddenly, that market "opens" up how much money would they make?
And here is the Russia connection. Ever wonder where the number 1 Oil Reserves are located? Kahzakstan. Where is the only way that oil can be shipped out? Iran. Are the Iranians particularly friendly to us? No. Where else could we ship oil out of? Pakistan. What area needs to be stabalized first? Afghanistan.
Bob, follow the money? Occidental Oil has contracts and rites of sale for all of these areas. Who owns or has a lot of stock in Occidental oil? Look at the people who constructed this plan. This IS the format for our current foriegn policy.
Is this a conspiracy? Yes, but its not secret. Its right out out in the open and no one cares. You say the war is not about oil, but if you look who is in the White House and who in the country has the power and who stands to make the most money off of this current policy, that opinion CANNOT stand.
PS - My wife is watching Survivor right now, earlier they had Saddam's capture splayed across the news. Wonderful. We wave the flags and feel good about our country while our elected officials abuse thier positions and then we learn how to treat each other in this screwed up society.