You can't argue with the tangible outcomes. There is a lot of statistical data showing us a predictable cause and effect between certain behaviors and the ebb and flow of infection rates and deaths. So, the rate may be accurate, but you're right in that it's higher in some demographics and lower in others. As you narrow the focus onto subsets of the overall set, the rates will change based on unique characteristics of the subset.
To put things into perspective, we're seeing things play out as expected among the current administration's inner circle. With Rudy Giuliani's hospitalization, we've seen over 50 (53, according to Forbe's) members of the Trump inner circle who tested positive for COVID. Of those, we know that several, including the President, were hospitalized, and that at least one died from the disease. Statistically, this is a microcosm of what is going on throughout the country. So, we have about 10% hospitalization, and 2% death rate. While members of the administration seemed little bothered by the untimely death of Herman Cain, I think his death was predictable, was the result of carelessness, and was entirely avoidable.
Also of interest, when talking about mitigation strategies such as wearing a mask, social distancing, etc, over 70% of the members of Congress who have tested positive for COVID are GOP, which is also statistically predictable based on their behaviors.
As I said before, we know what's causing the spread, and we know how to prevent it. It's just a matter of dealing with the toddler's who are selfish, ignorant, and unreasonable.
Edit: Just to be clear, everything we're seeing with those who have become infected is in line with what we're seeing on a larger scale among everyone who is infected. What is controllable is how many folks are becoming infected. So, within the microcosm of the Trump inner circle, those who are infected range from about 90% with mild or minimal symptoms, 10% or so with more severe symptoms, including a need for hospitalization, and 2% who actually died.
What is controllable is how many are infected, and we can see that a much higher percentage of republicans are testing positive because of their behaviors, which means more will be hospitalized and more will die needlessly.