Yet you are the one who started yelling, seems contradictory to your whole "not wanting to escalate," "when you see idiots ... keep away." I'm used to packed trains, there's always a way. He bumped you, you could have simply said "excuse me" instead of yelling, it could have went worse with your escalation there.
You should have still said "excuse me" and not yelled. Tourists are as a rule douchebags, try going to work in Manhattan with thousands of them crowding the streets staring up like they have never seen a building before, clogging the sidewalks, walking at this slovenly pace (as if the people they are blocking out don't need to get to work). Or wandering around in the train station then holding train doors open so their party of 75 can all slowly step into the train holding everybody up.
It was a bunch of tourists, together, they were probably partying all week, a bit drunk even. Like we all do in NY, give them as wide a birth as you can and be glad they are just visiting.
Been looking at the responses to this thread. Much appreciated and gave a lot to think about.
I have to say Omar, I am quite surprised your responses being that you trained in Seido Karate. Here are some of my thoughts.
Basically, I did a Kiai but instead of Kiai I said hey. Think of it as a Lion's roar. Did not throw a punch. Did not curse. Did not threaten anyone. That's it.
By doing that I ended any potential for escalation. In fact after that they were meek as lambs. Yes, they were still acting like douchebags but there were no threats made to me and no one attacked me. As far as I am concerned it worked out in my favor.
I do believe in walking away even if it means putting your pride on the street. But I do not believe that applies to every situation. Sometimes you have to make a point through words.
Here's the flip side about saying excuse me. It is possible that if I did what you advised and said excuse me, they would have taken my politeness as weakness and continued messing with me. This is not unrealistic. The problem with stupid people particularly bullies, is that they do not understand reason. And sometimes you have to communicate in a way that they can understand.
Now if this were a bunch of gang bangers coming onto the train causing trouble, the whole train, including myself would be moving to another car. But they were a bunch of young European tourists who were being *** hats. In the end it really depends on the situation and the type of people you are dealing with.
As I said before, this was on the train which is an enclosed space filled with people. Unfortunately, it makes it difficult to give every jerk in the world a wide berth (not birth) as possible.'
That's my two cents.