Romney Picks Paul Ryan...

Hmmm...Ryan didn't say it, but why not smear him anyway...thanks Col. don't dissapoint...

And who is actually responsible for Akin anyway...

Akin actually received only 36 percent of the vote in the Republican Senate primary. But McCaskill has her politics, if not her facts, absolutely right. She was basically political toast — trailing Akin by 11 points in the most recent poll — until Akin made his comment. Now, suddenly, she has probably has a decent shot at retaining her seat.
Moreover, McCaskill and the Democrats are financially invested in Akin. They reportedlypoured more than $1 million into the Republican Missouri Senate primary by way of advertising designed to boost Akin among Republicans.
You have to hand it to the Dems; they continue to demonstrate considerably more savvy in the Senate candidate selection process than the Republicans do.
According to Politico, under Missouri law, Akin cannot withdraw unless he does so by tomorrow. If he does withdraw, then McCaskill can be asked to explain why the Dems worked in favor of this nominee. If he doesn’t, Akin can spend the next ten weeks trying to explain away one of the most politcally stupid remarks in memory.

From the embedded post...


Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., and Democratic outside groups, pouring in over $1 million during Missouri's Republican Senate primary, got the guy they wanted: Rep. Todd Akin, who Tuesday upset two other Republicans to take the GOP nomination.

Though Akin did not have direct support from outside groups, he may have benefitted from the last-man-standing effect: Of all the outside groups targeting ads at GOP candidates that have been reported to the Federal Election Commission, 88 percent focused on attacking Akin's opponents: businessman John Brunner and former state treasurer Sarah Steelman. The biggest outside group has been Majority PAC, a super PAC devoted to maintaining the Democrats' edge in the Senate. Majority PAC spent nearly $1.2 million in independent expenditures opposing the frontrunner Brunner, widely viewed as the biggest threat to McCaskill because he had the most centrist credentials of the GOP frontrunners as well as a personal fortune to invest in the race. A super PAC formed by Steelman supporters chipped in about $500,000 in anti-Brunner ads.
Overall, the race has attracted the fourth most independent expenditures of any Senate race in the country, according to Sunlight's Follow the Unlimited Money tracker, more than $3.7 million, a number certain to go up as November approaches, as McCaskill is a top GOP target. And that figure doesn't include spending that's not reported to the Federal Election Commission for television ads but for which we are beginning to see partial returns.
Oh yeah...

Barak Obama and...his good friends:

Frank Marshal Davis...anti-American communist (was a mentor to young obama, mentioned in obama's biography 22 times)

Bill Ayers...Anti-American terrorist bomber (long time friend, employer, and helped launch political campaign, possibly helped pay for obama's law school)

Berdadine Dorhn...Anti-AMerican, terrorist bomber, convicted felon (introduced Obama to Michelle)

Rashid Khalidi...Anti-American terrorist spokesman

Tony Rezko...Convicted Felon campaign donor, (helped obama buy his Chicago home)

Jeremiah Wright...Anti-American, racist Pastor...(married the obama's, baptized their children)

Hmmmm...birds of a feather....hmmmm...

Whoopi doesn't hold public office.


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now please tell me you photoshopped that...

Then again, I know Barney lied and I am not that special, so others could have had the same impression.

(somehow on that other picture, the good man reminds of Spitzer.....)
so let me see, the (almost) personified selfishness is what this good caring politician (yeah, I know, the world order would collapse if that ever came to pass) is modeling his ethical principles after...I wonder if he sends his wife out of the apartment while he is amusing himself with his mistress, erm, I mean of course platonic friend of the opposite sex...

What did you say? Too young to have skeletons in the closet?
Certainly around long enough to have inserted both feet in his mouth...
Ladies and gents,

You're certainly allowed to attack the message that someone is sending. You are not, however, allowed to attack the messenger.

That being said...


Please keep this conversation civil.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Assistant Administrator

An interesting discourse on Ayn Rands influence on the members of the annals of power. The most apposite quote:

Rand's world was black and white. You are either all good or all bad. Her world is a good fictional representation but it doesn't work in reality in terms of human beings
What is interesting is that Romney has received by all accounts (polls and news) no bump from his picking Ryan. That really goes against the norm with VP picks as Palin, Biden, Gore, etc. I believe all gave their running mates a good bump in the polls. So no doubt Romney has shorn up his base but... failed to get independents and people on the fence interested with this VP pick. This race is close but I think he could have made a much wiser choice with this VP pick! This pick may very well have lost him the race.
What is interesting is that Romney has received by all accounts (polls and news) no bump from his picking Ryan. That really goes against the norm with VP picks as Palin, Biden, Gore, etc. I believe all gave their running mates a good bump in the polls. So no doubt Romney has shorn up his base but... failed to get independents and people on the fence interested with this VP pick. This race is close but I think he could have made a much wiser choice with this VP pick! This pick may very well have lost him the race.

You'd almost think the fix was in. :ultracool:
Well Ryan is just another social conservative, with large support from the tea party. There isn't anything really that exciting about him...unless you are an antiabortion believer, and even then not that uncommon. It was more of Romney solidifying his base. The problem is, it does nothing to garner votes outside of that base.