FactChecking Obama and Biden

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
[h=1]FactChecking Obama and Biden[/h] Posted on September 7, 2012
FactCheck.org excerpt:

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — In a rousing double-header, Democratic delegates heard Barack Obama and Joe Biden both accept renomination on their convention’s final night. And we heard some facts being spun.

  • President Obama boasted that his plan would cut the deficit by $4 trillion over 10 years, citing “independent experts.” But one such analyst called a key element of the plan a “gimmick.”
  • Vice President Biden quoted GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney as saying “itÂ’s not worth moving heaven and earth” to catch Osama bin Laden. Actually, Romney said heÂ’d target more than just “one person.”
  • The president said U.S. automakers are “back on top of the world.” Nope. GM has slipped back to No. 2 and is headed for third place in global sales this year, behind Toyota and Volkswagen.
  • Biden said “the experts” concluded RomneyÂ’s corporate tax plan would create 800,000 jobs in other countries. One expert said that. She also said the number depends on the details, and foreign jobs could grow without costing U.S. jobs.
  • Obama quoted Romney as saying it was “tragic” to “end the war in Iraq.” What Romney was criticizing was the pace of ObamaÂ’s troop withdrawal, not ending a war.
  • Biden claimed Romney “believes itÂ’s OK to raise taxes on middle classes by $2,000.” Romney actually promises to lower middle-class taxes.
  • Biden said Romney and running mate Paul Ryan “are not for preserving Medicare at all.” Actually, the plan they endorse would offer traditional Medicare as one option among many.
  • Obama said his tax plan would restore “the same rate we had when Bill Clinton was president” for upper-income taxpayers. Not quite. New taxes to finance the health care law also kick in next year, further burdening those same taxpayers.
When one is busy waging a campaign built on mud slinging, mis information, personal attacks and out right lies, things like the truth and facts are damned inconvenient.
I need my eyes checked...I read 'fart checking'

alas, all fling manure like a monkey with a temper tantrum...
I think it is too late, Don. Mr Romney and Mr Ryan have been telling some pretty big fibs themselves, starting with that Mr Obama took out the work requirement for some welfare for five states (He actually increased it by 20% in exchange for lightening other restriction so these states could pursue different ways of doing things. Also done by those states' request ) I did watch both the DNC and RNC conventions and it saddened me that one of the best speaches, by Mr Clinton, danced with the truth a bit as well, inferring that the healthcare reform was responsible for reducing healthcare cost over the last two years. As long as politicians do not speak the truth, and the media unwilling to hold thier feet to the fire on it, and we the people let everyone scate as long as our side wins, we are in for a bumpy ride.