Paul Ryan and the "pot" heads...


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Well, Ryan says, hey feds, leave our pot alone...

Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan says the federal government shouldn't interfere with states that have legalized medical marijuana.
The Wisconsin congressman tells KRDO-TV in Colorado Springs that he personally doesn't approve ofmedical marijuana laws. But he says that states should have the right to choose whether to legalize the drug for medical purposes.
In response to a reporter's question, Ryan said: "It's up to Coloradans to decide."
The interview was taped while Ryan campaigned this week in Colorado Springs and aired Friday.
Colorado is one of 17 states, plus the District of Columbia, that allow medical marijuana.
The Obama administration at first signaled that it wouldn't interfere with state-sanctioned marijuana distribution. But the Justice Department has since angered marijuana activists by shutting down dispensaries in California and Colorado.

Now if they only had the motivation to go and vote...
I actually agree with him if a state wants to make pot legal then that's fine but leave it up to the state

Well actually not medical marijuana if we have a food and drug admin that is used for medical purposes then medical marijuana should be required to be approved but if Cali wants it to just be legal for all and it passes then go fot it
Morons, who did you think elected him. Honestly, though, there aren't nearly enough stoners to win an election

About 7.5 million people smoke pot. I'd bet about half vote.

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