Rich Parsons vs. Matt Stone

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KennethKu said:
So, I am not allowed to point out the stupidity of Janulis?

Anyway. I told you already. You will have your answers, as soon as I heard back from the person who shared the info with me. Till them, you will just have to be mature. There is such thing called honor, you know. I wouldn't break that, no matter what names you call me. Sooo, later.
Your opinion of Paul Janulis is irrelevant to this discussion.

You claimed that staff of this forum were frauds.

He is not staff, therefore his inclusion in this debate is irrelevant.

Stick to the question at hand.

Your opinion of honor is also irrelevant.

You made the claims, not your source, therefore it is you who must substantiate them.

I await your evidence.
KennethKu said:
You have to be either stupid and/or plain ignorant to make the comment that you did.

As for meeting you, all in good time. Rest assured that the day will come.
I think we need to drop the threats and counter threats. People get killed for crap like this. Repeat to your self over and over, "its just a MA forum, its just an MA forum."!!!!
Sean (or you could both meet at WWW.IEMAT.COM)
KennethKu said:
Easy Janulis. [...]I used to think rather highly of you.
I've worked out with him and hung out with him several times over several years. I still think highly of him.
Rich Parsons said:
Boy, if you were my friend, I would beat you senseless for the lack of respect and putting someone into a bad place.
I consider Mr. Parsons to be my friend, and if I was acting like this I would indeed hope that he would beat some sense into me. No joke.

The trolling going on here belongs in rec.martial-arts.
:-popcorn: *Nightingale is sitting back with her popcorn watching the show* :-popcorn:

this is better comedy than Monty Python!
Nightingale said:
:-popcorn: *Nightingale is sitting back with her popcorn watching the show* :-popcorn:

this is better comedy than Monty Python!

Isn't it though...with that "stupid Janulis" and his antics. :boing2:

The martial artist who calls you frauds, is happy to enlighten you.

Again, the question is, Have you all losed your balls collectively or Are you really going to face him on a NO-HOLD BARRED, let-it-all out, face to face?

I am not going to bring him here, if the admin/mods are going to pussyfoot about standing up like mature adults, and instead, reacting like ARK used to.

You want the truth. Now the moment of truth is here. Give me your answer.

In order for it to be productive, only those who are spoken to, should respond. That will cut down all the BS from busybody bystanders. And thus keep the interaction on topic.

So, what say you?

P.S. For those mods, if your name is not brought up nor mentioned, then you are NOT part of the mess that your fellow mods have created. I know those who are innocent. I am sorry that you got dragged into this. If I owe anyone an apology, it would be to you. As I have mentioned before, your conduct, good or bad, reflects upon yourself. The mod who has conducted himself/herself with nothing but the highest standard, is known to all already. You need not be concerned. We have nothing but the highest respect and heard-felt appreciation for you. The problem lies in the few that are of questionable conduct.
The anticipation is overwelming.....we humble electrons are so incredibly thankful that your unknown master has deemed us worthy to educate.

Please, let not the drool on the floor, nor the quivering of our bodies delay his enlightened presence.....


I go now to prepare the execution pit for those found 3,600 degrees kelvin enough or should we summon a few more heathens to toss on the barbie?
as it is written, and it shall be


1. No chickening out.
2. No whining about forum rules.
3. No name calling.
4. Only speak when spoken to. Mods/admin must keep intruders out. We don't need the little doggies barking around.

So, unless there is any objection, this states that we all agree to these conditions.
KennethKu said:
as it is written, and it shall be


1. No chickening out.
2. No whining about forum rules.
3. No name calling.
4. Only speak when spoken to. Mods/admin must keep intruders out. We don't need the little doggies barking around.

So, unless there is any objection, this states that we all agree to these conditions.

Kenneth Ku,

You have made statements.

You have been called on those statements.

You do not dictate rules or policy here.

This is just your petty little way to try to get out of this.

It took you all night long to come up with this idea?

I say again.

You are a liar, and a fraud. You cannot prove your statements. You hide behind smoke and mirrors, and then at the end you pretend to apologize, with the word IF you owed an apology. IF you had been smart in the first place you would have addressed the person(s) in questions specifically and avoided any collateral damage such as mods and admins not involved.

I say put up, or shut up. As to real no holds barred, when was the last time you even came close to someone who had shot at you or tried to stab you or hit you with a weapon including a vehicle? I would bet never. You hide in your little world of lineageÂ’s, and paper trails, and friends who cannot reveal themselves.

Grow up, or get out of here.

You and your puppet master.

The mods.

Everyone else, quiet.

Understand something Ku..... I said we were stretching the rules here to allow this cluster**** to end.

We never said there were no rules.

We've gotten a number of complaints on this thread, as it does violate our rules.
Not the fraud busting ones.
The 'behavioral' ones.

There are some rules in play here.
- This matter is restricted to this thread, and this thread alone. If it spills over to other threads, your *** is gone.

Again, here are the past and present staff:

Current Staff:
Bob Hubbard
Rich Parsons
Michael Billings

Former staff:
Rob Broad
Mike Casto
Jay Bell
Master of Blades
Tim Hartman

Who are the frauds?

No other comments until Ku presents his so called 'evidence'.

And Ku.... the clock is ticking.
1. If there is any behavioral problem, it is committed by your side.

2. Keep the infantile attitude to yourselves. Until you can converse like mature adults, it is not going to be productive. The martial artist mentioned is not going to come to MT then.

So, what's going to be? Are you going to converse like mature adults? I would also ask Rich Parsons to sit down, as this never concerns him to begin with, (as I have told him at the beginning). We don't need his endless outburst.

I personally would not give a rat *** which way it goes. But if I am going to bring my friend to MT, at least the MT mods (as well as everyone) should behave like civilized adults.

So, what's going to be?
Unless you have a reading problem, I have always stated that I am not the source. But he has informed me that he would be happy to come here to face you all. You can hear it right from the source himself. However it would be pointless, unless all the infantile behavior and insane outburst can be kept in check.

If you can't agree to be mature about this, then what is the point? How hard is this concept for you all to grasp?

I expect to hear from my friend within 24 hrs, as to his next step.
Since your source hasn't posted it, we really only have your word that he or she even exists. We have validated all accounts that have complied with the signup requirements.

So, what does your 'source' want? Certified safe passage? A gold watch? A heros welcome? A charriot and a victory lap?

You call this infantile, yet it is the same behavior you admired in others.

You are the one with the obvious behavioral issues.

This game has gone on for several days...your source is no where to be found, you have no supporters backing you up, and all of your claims are unsubstantiated.

Either get your 'source' signed up, validated and his evidence posted, or leave. We've got better things to do than play games with the 'Igottasekret' crowd.

Someone wanted to ask me a question??????????

I am away.

First let me start off by saying I haven't posted for over a year and can't believe people are still talking about me and the stuff I did/said/wrote.......does "move on" mean anything?

And people say I don't let go of things.............that's kind of ironic isn't it......

I left this place in the dust behind me last year sometime and I see it hasn't progressed an inch from where I left it. Same people, same atittudes.....give me a friggin break!
RRouuselot said:
Someone wanted to ask me a question??????????

I am away.

First let me start off by saying I haven't posted for over a year and can't believe people are still talking about me and the stuff I did/said/wrote.......does "move on" mean anything?

And people say I don't let go of things.............that's kind of ironic isn't it......

I left this place in the dust behind me last year sometime and I see it hasn't progressed an inch from where I left it. Same people, same atittudes.....give me a friggin break!


The question I had, was are you the person who has this supposedly damaging information?

If so then why did you not come here your self if it was so important to send someone.

If not then oh well no big deal, and it is your friends who keep bringing you up by the way. The are trying to make it out that you were like something to the second coming and the mods and admins were all scum for even trying to enforce a rule or to keep a thread on topic.

So, either way move is a great idea in my mind.

Can you do me a favor?

Tell all your friends to move as well, and get over it? You yourself said "Move on". I agree. Yet when people keep coming back to this subject it needs to be addressed.

So once again are you the person with information? If so pressent it.

If not then please do as you wish, such as Move on, for you see, I am only involved for the abstract lessons and the settling of of issues and making points that clear and concise information and not wide and collateral damage attacks are what is asked for, if you must present your data.

I know I was asked to step aside by Kenneth Ku, yet I felt I should reply as I also just read your e-mail to me. So, yes, I believe I asked for your e-mail address to ask you this, to avoid the further third person presentation.

So with respect, either post the information, if you have any, or just let this play out.

***** I have suspended ShaolinWolf for the imemdiate moment. Bob aka Kaith has asked everyone to remain out of this except for the Moderators and Administrators.

Everyone please take notice so this does not happen to you.
I have tried to not drag you into this mess. Mr. Ku however wouldn't go gently into that good night.

Here are the initial 3 questions asked of him:

3 Simple questions for Mr. Ku.

1 - Who was your source.

2 - Who are these Mods.

3 - Where is all this discussion?

I believe we can answer that #1 was you.

That leaves #2 and #3.

Again, here are the past and present staff:

Current Staff:
Bob Hubbard
Rich Parsons
Michael Billings

Former staff:
Rob Broad
Mike Casto
Jay Bell
Master of Blades
Tim Hartman

Who are the frauds?

Where outside of the "Dog Pound" on CanAm, and the ARK/Soke related threads on E-Budo are we so noted as 'fraud friendly'?

Thank you.
Note to those reading this pissing match.

If you aren't named, and aren't already involved, stay away.
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