Rich Parsons vs. Matt Stone

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Let's just see how long it takes for the MODS to ride to the rescue of their fellow mods and accuse me of being UNFRIENDLY, while conveniently ignoring the persistent violation by their own as well as by their minions.

Isn't this a blatant violation of fair and even-handedness? Is there one set of rules for the truth seekers and another set for fraud and the mods and their minions?

Or am I being "unfriendly" in asking this question? :rolleyes:

P.S. I have avoided from attacking. Don't pressume I am afraid of a fat boy who play with sticks. :D
So, are we done with this BS and get back into the civilized world. OR shall we continue with the hostility?
Kenneth Ku,

I have only asked you to deal with your statment that the Mods and Admins have provided falsehoods.

If you make the simple statement that we did not, then this is fine.

If you wish to bring up issues on another thread, and stay with in the rules, that is fine by me.

Now as to me being able to handle the truth. I like to think I can. Contact me, maybe we can talk in person, and or meet each to discuss this issue.

And no this is not a threat, even though some people might think your post was, and that I am reply in kind with a threat. Just offer up to communicate in person over the phone or live.

You see, when you make generic statements it does not help your search for the truth. Make your statements short and to the point. This gives people less of a chance to turn something you have said against you, or into some thing you did not mean to say, except it came out in a heated moment.

Unless you wish to make the above statments or answer the questions I have asked. I see no reason to continue with this discussion.
You seem to have a beef..but can't handle someone using the same tactics you admired in others against you. Tough potatoes.

So, heres the full beef.

I know of -3- staff members who were targeted by the 'busters' when things got hot.

If the fact that a mere blue belt can run a successful martial arts forum chaifs the panties of the 'serious' practitioners, I think they need to just get over themselves a bit. I myself never claimed to be other than what I've posted. I would like to teach. I am not a teacher yet. I will share with almost anyone. The 1 limit I place on it is I avoid those whose intention is to 'accidentally' cause me harm. For the last 3 years I've sparred with anyone who would get on the floor with me at -every- camp I've attended. This year was the one exception due to doctors orders. I've done full contact stick fighting with and without gear, grappled a multi-time champion and held my own. (Didn't win, but lasted longer than anyone expected.) etc. I have nothing to prove myself, so those small minded egotistical losers who want to point and laugh at me.... Grow up. Its all I have to say.

So.... Theres still 2 names on that list.

So.... Where is your so called evidence...this "Truth" we mere mortals can't handle, other than you appear to be an empty threat blow hard who suffers from a serious inferiority complex who must rely on second and third hand heresay to form your narrow world view.

I have no beef with either Matt or Mark. We differ on some points, but I think in the end want the same aproximate end result.

You on the otherhand seem to have this unhealthy fixation with dead horse dust, and this is it.

Way back in the other thread someone posted some information that implied that either you or your 'anonymouse' source was wrong.

You have yet to post -anything- that contradicts that.

You said and I quote:
KennethKu said:
You see, according to this source, several of the mods who make a living in teaching MA have either dubious claim of MA credential or questionable skills. Robert and Mike Clark and the Yilli folks were fast on the trail when they sense something was rotten in Denmark (in this case, in MT world). Robert started to ask questions about certain claims of credential and what not. Now, Robert, Mike and the Yilli folks are the true McCoy. They don't take kindly to pretenders milking the public.

To which a reply was posted that you never seem to have read....
Bester said:
Who is this source? Who are those who are 'pretenders'?
Let me look at the staff of this forum for a moment.

Bob Hubbard – blue belt in Modern Arnis. Trains under Tim Hartman, who trained under the founder of Modern Arnis.
Cthuhlu – another FMA guy under Ray Dionaldo who is an acknowledged expert in Kali.
Mike Seigel – Kenpoist under Dennis Conatser, who trained under the founder of Kenpo.
Rich Parsons – Another FMA (under Presas and Ted Buot)

There was also former admin Arnisador, who trained under Tim Hartman as well.

So far, I don’t see any frauds here…unless your ‘sources’ are calling Presas, Parker and Dionaldo frauds?

I donÂ’t feel like trying to figure out who was a mod when, so if you have something to say, do so, otherwise IÂ’d suggest you stop the slandering.

Now, in digging through those threads I do see that the ‘main zero’ started to target ‘TshadowChaser’.

In investigating the suggestion, I traced the lineage back.
TshadowChaser aka Sheldon Bedell student of Master George C. Chartier who was a student of GM Lagarejos. He also trained with the late GM.

So, who is the fraud here? Bedell, Chartier or Lagarejos?

Is someone a ‘fraud’ if they add some outside influences?
If that’s the case, then I guess you’re ‘sources’ are dead on as Hartman’s rep is he brings in different systems. I think even Capoeira. Parker mixed, matched and adapted a wide range of things. No idea on the other FMA mods.

So, is this that narrow mindset of the ‘if its not Funakoshi its crap’ that so many karateka seem to get when they have missed the message completely? Is it inferiority complexes of those ‘gajin’ trying to be more Japanese than the Japanese? Or just one insignificant flamer trying to seem important rather than impotent?

Put up your information, or shut up already.
This record is way past old.
KennethKu said:
Let's just see how long it takes for the MODS to ride to the rescue of their fellow mods and accuse me of being UNFRIENDLY, while conveniently ignoring the persistent violation by their own as well as by their minions.

Isn't this a blatant violation of fair and even-handedness? Is there one set of rules for the truth seekers and another set for fraud and the mods and their minions?

Or am I being "unfriendly" in asking this question? :rolleyes:

P.S. I have avoided from attacking. Don't pressume I am afraid of a fat boy who play with sticks. :D
This issue is between you and Rich. We aren't too thrilled to see the BS go on, but I'm willing to allow it if it will actually end this ******** once and for all.

My only point here to you is as I said last post.

Either post it and be done with it, or drop it and move on.

Either way, this much crap doesn't look favorably on anyone involved.

My opinion.

And yes...this is bending things a bit. If a little leeway is what it takes to end this crap, then leeway it is.
comeing up soon
MartialTalk SummerCamp 2004
When: July 16, 17, 18th 2004

Where: Buffalo NY

Its a nice place to meet and discuss face to face. I'll try to be there. We can always go for a nice walk or have tea togeather or any other breverage to get to know each other. I'm sure we can find a mutual ground to discuss things if need be.
I like talking face to face.
tshadowchaser said:
comeing up soon
MartialTalk SummerCamp 2004
When: July 16, 17, 18th 2004

Where: Buffalo NY

Its a nice place to meet and discuss face to face. I'll try to be there. We can always go for a nice walk or have tea togeather or any other breverage to get to know each other. I'm sure we can find a mutual ground to discuss things if need be.
I like talking face to face.

Sounds like a good idea.
I wasn't going to reply again, but...

If there is a question as to Renegade's authenticity, I'd cast my vote in support of him. I have never met him personally, and have only seen him in action via DVD, but I trained with one of his students. If my teacher, his student, both of whom trained directly with Remy Presas, is any indication of Renegade's skills (either as a teacher or a fighter), then I'm satisfied that he is the real deal.

While I have issues regarding the background of Dr. Gyi, someone who Renegade seems to favor (he always seems to be on the schedule for Renegade's camps), that is (like many of the things on this thread) my own opinion and doesn't involve me. Other than that, I think Renegade is legit. I can't see why anyone would question his reputation.

Okay, now I'm really done here...
My personal opinion is that Kenneth should be suspended.

I'm sorry, but calling people "stupid" and "fat" and other such things are against the rules, and uncalled for.

And Kenneth...

You should be careful of Rich...he practices the art of "iron stick." He can basically cut you in half with one strike, because he lathers a special ointment on the cane. So...your deadly "Iron Palm" skills are no match....Watch out! :rolleyes:

You wrote:
Robert and Mike Clark and the Yilli folks were fast on the trail when they sense something was rotten in Denmark (in this case, in MT world). Robert started to ask questions about certain claims of credential and what not. Now, Robert, Mike and the Yilli folks are the true McCoy. They don't take kindly to pretenders milking the public.
I can't speak for Robert, but I know I didn't "target" any of the moderators or administrators beyond questioning why they were supporting the proven liars. I had no reason to question the credentials of any of them. You are right in saying that I don't like pretenders milking the public...but then I don't like anyone milking the public. Misrepresenting one's credentials and charging a cheap price for "legitimate" martial arts bothers me as much...or more...There are a fair number of people who need to feed there ego and will do just about anything to boost their importance...Jack Stern is one example...and this board has seen a few pass through as well.

As far as being the true McCoy...there are a lot of very good, but relatively unknown, martial artists in lots of places. I am no better than many of them...
There is a wealth of knowledge out there...and unless people are willing to share information honestly, much of that knowledge will be lost or watered down to the point where it might as well have been lost. Just my opinion.

Matt Stone said:
I wasn't going to reply again, but...

If there is a question as to Renegade's authenticity, I'd cast my vote in support of him. I have never met him personally, and have only seen him in action via DVD, but I trained with one of his students. If my teacher, his student, both of whom trained directly with Remy Presas, is any indication of Renegade's skills (either as a teacher or a fighter), then I'm satisfied that he is the real deal.

While I have issues regarding the background of Dr. Gyi, someone who Renegade seems to favor (he always seems to be on the schedule for Renegade's camps), that is (like many of the things on this thread) my own opinion and doesn't involve me. Other than that, I think Renegade is legit. I can't see why anyone would question his reputation.

Okay, now I'm really done here...

I know your done, but...I can't help myself Matt.

So, Renegades credability is not in question.

Bob Hubbard is Renegades student, and doesn't claim status or rank higher then he is. So, his credability is not in question.

That leaves shadowchaser. Now, I read the thread where RSK hammered shadowchaser, basically saying that his Sikaran looked like a crappy version of a Japanese style. RSK is total BS. For one, the Philippine Islands ain't that far from Japan, Korea, or any where else in Asia. It's no mystery that styles often merged together, and that different arts pirated from one another. And as to him having "crappy technique," by who's standards...RSK? You can't tell how "Good" someone is from still pics on the internet unless they do something REALLY bad, and even then, its hard...sorry. So to say that shadowchaser must not be legit is chasing windmills on RSK's part. Unless you have other sources or evidence, the arguement that Shadowchaser is a fraud is piss poor.

So, is it safe to say here that the arguement is not about "legitimacy" of the MT board, but it is about disagreement in the way things were run?

chufeng said:
There is a wealth of knowledge out there...and unless people are willing to share information honestly, much of that knowledge will be lost or watered down to the point where it might as well have been lost. Just my opinion.

Agree with you there, Sir!

Tulisan said:
I know your done, but...I can't help myself Matt.

Just can't stand to see me leave, can you? :D Kidding!!!

So, Renegades credability is not in question.

Bob Hubbard is Renegades student, and doesn't claim status or rank higher then he is. So, his credability is not in question.

Like Chufeng said upthread, I don't recall their martial ability, skills, knowledge or training to have ever come under scrutiny. The issue that I recall is simply that ARK came in with titles, claims and alleged training that some folks took issue with. Kaith's/Bob's training wasn't an issue, just his handling of the discussion and how he took aim at RyuShiKan for being overzealous in his pursuit of the truth. For that matter, I don't recall Renegade ever being mentioned, though I could be wrong...

That leaves shadowchaser. Now, I read the thread where RSK hammered shadowchaser, basically saying that his Sikaran looked like a crappy version of a Japanese style. RSK is total BS. For one, the Philippine Islands ain't that far from Japan, Korea, or any where else in Asia. It's no mystery that styles often merged together, and that different arts pirated from one another. And as to him having "crappy technique," by who's standards...RSK? You can't tell how "Good" someone is from still pics on the internet unless they do something REALLY bad, and even then, its hard...sorry. So to say that shadowchaser must not be legit is chasing windmills on RSK's part. Unless you have other sources or evidence, the arguement that Shadowchaser is a fraud is piss poor.

Like a lot of things in this thread, it's none of my business because I wasn't involved. I'd say ask RyuShiKan. What I do know, having trained with him in Japan, RyuShiKan (one of Seiyu Oyata's yondans) is most certainly the real deal, and I trust his judgement. I'd agree that still photos aren't the most efficient conveyance of information regarding something done in motion, but at the same time I can see how still photos still record that moment in time. If there are specific principles involved in a movement, if the photos are done properly, you will be able to see if they are adhered to or not... Not defending RyuShiKan, just saying that I've seen pictures of the students of one of our former instructors, and I can tell by the photos that his students suck... Whatever. Take it up with RyuShiKan, not me. It was his issue, not mine.

So, is it safe to say here that the arguement is not about "legitimacy" of the MT board, but it is about disagreement in the way things were run?


As far as I know, as far as I'm concerned, that was the only issue ever...

Now can I leave??? Before someone else "penalizes" me by reducing my incredibly important reputation points and makes anonymous smart *** comments?
Just can't stand to see me leave, can you? Kidding!!!

lol...yes, it's TRUE! Seriously, Thanks for coming back and for clarifying.

And, for the record, I never had any personal problems with you or your buddies anyway, and other then these arguements, I liked your contributions. It's just to bad that you (and others) don't wanna hang here anymore because of the way old stuff went down.

Catch you on the flip-side, my man! :supcool:

Paul Janulis
Matt Stone said:
Just can't stand to see me leave, can you? :D Kidding!!!

Like Chufeng said upthread, I don't recall their martial ability, skills, knowledge or training to have ever come under scrutiny. The issue that I recall is simply that ARK came in with titles, claims and alleged training that some folks took issue with. Kaith's/Bob's training wasn't an issue, just his handling of the discussion and how he took aim at RyuShiKan for being overzealous in his pursuit of the truth. For that matter, I don't recall Renegade ever being mentioned, though I could be wrong...

Like a lot of things in this thread, it's none of my business because I wasn't involved. I'd say ask RyuShiKan. What I do know, having trained with him in Japan, RyuShiKan (one of Seiyu Oyata's yondans) is most certainly the real deal, and I trust his judgement. I'd agree that still photos aren't the most efficient conveyance of information regarding something done in motion, but at the same time I can see how still photos still record that moment in time. If there are specific principles involved in a movement, if the photos are done properly, you will be able to see if they are adhered to or not... Not defending RyuShiKan, just saying that I've seen pictures of the students of one of our former instructors, and I can tell by the photos that his students suck... Whatever. Take it up with RyuShiKan, not me. It was his issue, not mine.

As far as I know, as far as I'm concerned, that was the only issue ever...

Now can I leave??? Before someone else "penalizes" me by reducing my incredibly important reputation points and makes anonymous smart *** comments?

Matt & Mark,

I know you are gone. I know you still might browse this thread. I do not expect a reply. I just wish to clarify.

I believe I have only given out positive reputation points on this thread. I sign my comments either Rich or Rich Parsons.

The default is Positive, and That is all I know I gave. Also, in this case my latest point boost, was before reading this post even though I believe it was after the posting time stamp. You know have two whole green bars of reputation.

It was not me, for I consider our discussion positive in the long wrong, and in case you did not know it, I do thank you both.
Matt Stone said:
I wasn't going to reply again, but...

If there is a question as to Renegade's authenticity, I'd cast my vote in support of him. I have never met him personally, and have only seen him in action via DVD, but I trained with one of his students. If my teacher, his student, both of whom trained directly with Remy Presas, is any indication of Renegade's skills (either as a teacher or a fighter), then I'm satisfied that he is the real deal.

While I have issues regarding the background of Dr. Gyi, someone who Renegade seems to favor (he always seems to be on the schedule for Renegade's camps), that is (like many of the things on this thread) my own opinion and doesn't involve me. Other than that, I think Renegade is legit. I can't see why anyone would question his reputation.

Okay, now I'm really done here...

Thanks :asian:
You have to be either stupid and/or plain ignorant to make the comment that you did.

As for meeting you, all in good time. Rest assured that the day will come.
Tulisan said:
My personal opinion is that Kenneth should be suspended.

I'm sorry, but calling people "stupid" and "fat" and other such things are against the rules, and uncalled for.

And Kenneth...

You should be careful of Rich...he practices the art of "iron stick." He can basically cut you in half with one strike, because he lathers a special ointment on the cane. So...your deadly "Iron Palm" skills are no match....Watch out! :rolleyes:

Easy Janulis. Their *******s are pretty sore by now. That mod position is pretty much in the bag. So you can ease back on the licking.

I am sure you would love to see me axed. That would eliminate another person who knows how petty and shallow you really are. It must suck to try so hard to cultivate a "know it all" image but to have someone exposed it in the IronHand and stretching threads, huh?

I used to think rather highly of you. Didn't know you are this petty and shallow. What did I know. Sigh!
The fingers wag, but the clue is gone.

Tell me Kenny boy.... is it too hard for you to actually back your BS up with something?

You've made some serious claims....

But you have yet to post anything other than heresay.

Some people might think you are nothing more than an empty windbag, blindly dancing to anothers tune, unable to think for yourself.

You can definately insult people, but when it comes to backing up that big mouth of yours, well.....

I guess when we reach beyond the realm of 3rd grade school yeard intellect you were left behind hmmm???


Put up, or Shut up.
You said "several of the mods who make a living in teaching MA have either dubious claim of MA credential or questionable skills."

Who was your source.
Who are these Mods.

Say it. SAY IT!!!!!!!!

Whats that? You can't? Because you're as full of crap as you seem?

There....don't you feel better admiting it?

Oh're still in de-Nile (Nope, not that river in Egypt).

Poor guy...maybe you should seek some therapy?

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