Reviving old threads


Senior Master
Aug 14, 2013
Reaction score
Some threads will go on for 15 pages or more and then die out. For a thread to go on for 15 pages, the discussion must be quite good but all good things come to an end and as such, sometimes people will just stop responding to the thread. I've been thinking, if I were to revive an old thread, should I simply start posting in that thread again or should I start a whole new thread on the same topic?
Some threads will go on for 15 pages or more and then die out. For a thread to go on for 15 pages, the discussion must be quite good but all good things come to an end and as such, sometimes people will just stop responding to the thread. I've been thinking, if I were to revive an old thread, should I simply start posting in that thread again or should I start a whole new thread on the same topic?

Opinions vary, but I see nothing wrong with reviving an old thread. I actually prefer it, because it saves us from having to rewrite the same stuff.

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Doesn't matter. If you're specifically responding to something in an old thread, then there's nothing inherently wrong with zombie resurrection. I'll sometimes laugh when people revive a 'seeking info' thread, since those tend to be somewhat time-limited, but even then it's not a big deal.
Some threads will go on for 15 pages or more and then die out. For a thread to go on for 15 pages, the discussion must be quite good but all good things come to an end and as such, sometimes people will just stop responding to the thread. I've been thinking, if I were to revive an old thread, should I simply start posting in that thread again or should I start a whole new thread on the same topic?

Nothing wrong with reviving an old thread. I've done it a few times. Of course, I usually try to make sure that it's a topic worth reviving though.
Nothing wrong with reviving an old thread. Sometimes a new look at an old topic can be very enlightening.
We've been around 12 years now. You get to the point where on a lot of topics, it's already been touched on. Since we rarely delete anything, there's a wealth of information sitting there all dusty and cobwebbed. I love it when some older threads get dusted off and revived, with new voices added to the mix.

So enjoy. :)
Perhaps I will revive some old zombie threads, particularly in the general martial arts chat folder. And I might send private messages to some people too.
So now Im reviving this thread. Sometimes people will complain about how I start new threads about stuff that I've already discussed. It's because threads sometimes die down and/or I think of something that's slightly different than what I said in the initial thread. So I am reviving this thread.
So now Im reviving this thread. Sometimes people will complain about how I start new threads about stuff that I've already discussed. It's because threads sometimes die down and/or I think of something that's slightly different than what I said in the initial thread. So I am reviving this thread.

Opinions vary, but I see nothing wrong with reviving an old thread. I actually prefer it, because it saves us from having to rewrite the same stuff.
I've done both, revived old threads and simply started a new one. As long as there are good posts who cares?
And sometimes threads die...because the question was answered...much like this thread.....
Where was a question answered in this thread? Can you give me a post number?
but there is no harm in a bump every now and then for new members to see
True, and I also don't see why people get so annoyed sometimes. If people don't like stuff I post they can always choose not to read it. It's silly to get all worked up over what somebody posts on the internet.
Where was a question answered in this thread? Can you give me a post number?
It shouldn't be such a hassle to mention a post number, with this post there are only sixteen posts on this thread. Furthermore it's silly to get exasperated over what somebody, including me, posts on the internet.
It shouldn't be such a hassle to mention a post number, with this post there are only sixteen posts on this thread. Furthermore it's silly to get exasperated over what somebody, including me, posts on the internet.
The issue is an old issue.... you want to be spoon fed and if you read the post through you shoujldf be able to figure out where it was answered, it is pretty darn obvious
The issue is an old issue.... you want to be spoon fed and if you read the post through you shoujldf be able to figure out where it was answered, it is pretty darn obvious
Right, well you didn't have to post Conan O'Brien.