The Pre-Emptive Strike, The Law and The 3rd Party View.

check out the other "not too opinionated signs"

New "I'm a Bitter Gun Owner and I Vote!" Yard Signs Available Now: By now, you've all heard the Obama "bitter" quote: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." And it probably struck a nerve with you. Well, we've created a new yard sign that will send a message from all of you "bitter" gun owners to Obama this election season: Our "I'm a Bitter Gun Owner and I Vote!" yard sign.
check out the other "not too opinionated signs"

New "I'm a Bitter Gun Owner and I Vote!" Yard Signs Available Now: By now, you've all heard the Obama "bitter" quote: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." And it probably struck a nerve with you. Well, we've created a new yard sign that will send a message from all of you "bitter" gun owners to Obama this election season: Our "I'm a Bitter Gun Owner and I Vote!" yard sign.
CRAP! I've got to get one of those NOW!
Yeah, if I ever leave Missouri it will be to move to Texas or Alaska!

Come on down to Texas HAHA !! It is funny that people talk about lethal force , in Texas. There was a guy over in Dallas that owns a Junkyard auto salvage place that has been broken into many times. The guy got tired of it and put in cameras and stuff , but it still kept happening. So he decides to move in and live on the premises and buy a shotgun. In the past 10 years he has shot and killed 5 people that have broken into his property and the each time it has been deemed that he is defending his property and that was that.
Come on down to Texas HAHA !! It is funny that people talk about lethal force , in Texas. There was a guy over in Dallas that owns a Junkyard auto salvage place that has been broken into many times. The guy got tired of it and put in cameras and stuff , but it still kept happening. So he decides to move in and live on the premises and buy a shotgun. In the past 10 years he has shot and killed 5 people that have broken into his property and the each time it has been deemed that he is defending his property and that was that.
Come on down to Texas HAHA !! It is funny that people talk about lethal force , in Texas. There was a guy over in Dallas that owns a Junkyard auto salvage place that has been broken into many times. The guy got tired of it and put in cameras and stuff , but it still kept happening. So he decides to move in and live on the premises and buy a shotgun. In the past 10 years he has shot and killed 5 people that have broken into his property and the each time it has been deemed that he is defending his property and that was that.

Let me get this straight...the guy actually moved his residence TO A JUNKYARD, so that he could be justified in killing the people who were stealing from him?

I'm sorry, I mean, I'm all for the guy defending what is his, but to LIVE IN A JUNKYARD to do it? Only in Texas (or arkansas). lol
Well, if they continued stealing from his business, he might have been forced to live on the street; the choice seems reasonable.
I should say that those comments were not made by JURORS per se, but by every day joes & janes. But juries are made up of every day joes & janes, and we should know that a lot of people that are not defense minded as we are will react in those ways when they happen to be on juries. Not everyone of course, but we need to be aware that no matter how logical or good our arguments are, in court many people will dissmiss them.

I also think it should be stressed that defense laws are mostly state by state, and also juries change in different jurisdictions. Most of what I have posted here has been based on my experiences in the courts in southern california. Perhaps, as kwaichang has done, if people have experiences in other states, or even other countries, they should post them so as to inform people better.

Oh, and sorry for hijacking the other thread...
Not only do laws vary from state to state, JURIES vary from state to state and region to region and rural versus urban. A rural jury is MOST OFTEN going to error on the side of a private citizen defending himself, even if he went WAY OVERBOARD. There's generally a much more 'independent' spirit and dislike of criminals among rural people's.

Urban juries tend to be more sympathetic of criminals committing 'non-violent' crimes, and not very sympathetic with citizens engaging in violence to defend themselves.
A rural jury is MOST OFTEN going to error on the side of a private citizen defending himself, even if he went WAY OVERBOARD. There's generally a much more 'independent' spirit and dislike of criminals among rural people's.
You got that right. Around here juries overwhelmingly decide in favor of the property owner even if the criminal is shot and no weapon found, the mere "threat of force" is enough for us to convict 'em.

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