Reset Button: if you could...

Somehow... I doubt it. Scotland is pretty, but it's cold there. You're thin-blooded like me by conversion in Texas heat and you'd be an icicle by October.

*can someone whip up a man freezing o death emoji?*

Been to Barrow Alaska twice, and these days I work in a walk-in freezer up to 6 hours at a time as part of my day job. I swim in the Hood and in the Colombia River in the winter some times.

Heart attack testing... and I've been living in Oregon for 7 years now. Cold tested, cold appoved.
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Interesting game.

1. Rickson Gracie (this was tough as there are a bunch of directions I could go here)
2. Leo Gaje (20 years ago Leo, not today) (yes he's nuts, but he knows his stuff). If I have to have today's Leo, I would rather go with Tim Waid.
3. Marc DellaGrotte (seems to be one of the top MT instructors around right now).
Assuming they'd treat me as a serious student and I could withstand their training...

Mas Oyama during the pre-Kyokushin days, aka Oyama dojo days when all the legends of Kyokushin were there - Nakamura, Shigeru Oyama, Ashihara, and on and on. Talk about a tough group.

Cus D'Amato/Teddy Atlas/Kevin Rooney in Catskill, NY during the young Mike Tyson days.

Jigoro Kano right around the time he first tied black belts around his top guys' waists and inadvertently started the ranking system. I figure that was when Judo was at its true roots. I'm not a Judo historian though.

I figure with those 3 I've got an excellent karate base with Mike Tyson's hands and body movement, and Judo's pre-competition explosion throws, chokes and locks.

Just to observe for a little while (it was very difficult to choose between him and Oyama) -
Chojun Miyagi - I'd love to see if the current bunkai experts are close enough or completely off. And to see his training methods. He created and altered most of my favorite kata (and brought some of them to Okinawa) so I'd love to see what he actually intended.
Interesting game.

1. Rickson Gracie (this was tough as there are a bunch of directions I could go here)
2. Leo Gaje (20 years ago Leo, not today) (yes he's nuts, but he knows his stuff). If I have to have today's Leo, I would rather go with Tim Waid.
3. Marc DellaGrotte (seems to be one of the top MT instructors around right now).

It's was a tough choice between Rickson Gracie, Roger Gracie or Alexandre "Xandre" Ribeiro.

Lineage: Mitsuyo Maeda > Carlos Gracie > Helio Gracie > Royler Gracie > Saulo Ribeiro > Alexandre Ribeiro
Would you be interested to see if the founder of Mok gar was really a midget?
Had to look him up. But yeah I would like to see what the reality is when they say "midget" I think midget might be the wrong translation. My guess is that he was a small guy and smaller than most men from the area. I read that the style used a lot of kicks so I'm thinking his body was in correct proportion. The kicks probably equalized the height disadvantage and he was probably really fast and powerful muscle wise.
1. Rocky Balboa
2. John Rambo
3. Barney Ross
ha ha ha.. let me know how that turns out. Be sure to bring a nice strip of cloth for John Rambo and then in a wise man's voice tell him, "When the time comes, you'll know what do with it."
For a side trip I would want to see what Ip Man really did. I also want to find out what the deal is with Guan Yu.
Actually, now that I think more about it I would like to switch Frank Dux out for......Chiun from Remo Williams

Best movies were made in the 80's lol Except for Mommy Dearest. Not sure getting beat with wire coat hangers qualify as martial arts skills
It's was a tough choice between Rickson Gracie, Roger Gracie or Alexandre "Xandre" Ribeiro.

Yep. There are a bunch of good directions one could go there. I thought about Carlos Gracie Jr. given the number of studs he has produced, and I know he knows the self-defense stuff, even if many in Gracie Barra don't seem to teach it well. Draculino was another one on my mind, as well as Chris Haueter.
So you're walking down a street and a blue police call box materializes right in front you, and a nice British guy or Scotsman steps out and says sorry, there's been a terrible mistake, I just saved the earth, but your martial arts skills, muscle memory, and training were *ahem* lost.
He continues:
I will be glad to help you recover new ones as a replacement. Step inside, and tell me three instructors you would like to train under for as long as you like. While undergoing your training I will reset your age to remain at 18, and the universal translator will take care of the rest.

You step inside as you say:

Jhoon Goo Rhee as he taught in the 60s.

My Hapkido GM Lee Chong Moon as he taught all the time I was fortunate to know him.

Don't need anything else.
Headhunter doesn't like to play along.

I'm still thinking about mine, but it involves me needing to speak Japanese, Korean and Thai and that's a lot of language skills.
No worries, the Tardis provides automatic unconscious translation regardless of the language or time period.

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