I find it curious that so many Americans that hold our way of life so dear would so gladly give up our way of life so that the "bullies" or the "liars" or the enemy-du-jour can get eliminated. That sentiment is reflected here in the quest to identify all persons so that all icky folks can be eliminated or tracked down. Quick, die, the American Dream.
Eventually, this site would be whittled down to a scant few where everyone agrees, no one has to think, and discussion will die. Now there's a chat board for ya! Mmm-hmm!
So the real question here is, do you want to use your brain, flex your mind and research and learn so you know just what you're talking about, and deal with all sorts of personalities, claims (true and untrue), styles (western or eastern), opinions (viable or not) and grow as people, or do you want a static environment where no-one has to do any thinking, any researching, any learning, any growing?
Are you willing to give up civil liberties to do so?
I already put my first name and surname on any official posts I must make as well as a few others. However, if MT moves towards requiring public disclosure of one's name, I will ask for my account to be closed.