Requiring Real Names?

Should MartialTalk require members to identify themselves?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Undecided

Results are only viewable after voting.
The email would have to be sent 1 at a time.
I as a member (not mod) can't check your profile and see your email address. I can send you an email, which will show my address.
But I have to initiate the contact inorder for you to see it.
Thats alot of work.

If someone were to manually start spamming this way, I would have to hope that our members would have the common sence to let us know there was a problem and save the evidence so we can backtrack it. Theres alot of spoofing going on right now so we'd need to see that email to check the source. If someones doing that, they get the boot.
upnorthkyosa said:
Since there are so many people who are against this and there are so many I would hate to see leave, I would change my vote to no. I include my name in my profile because it "keeps me honest" in the sense that if someone wants to see the man behind the words, they can. If so many others that are really great people feel that sharing their name is too much, I can respect that.
You dont need to post this to be honest. A member can PM you and you can judge from their posts/PM if they are trust worthy for your personal info.

Why be so open for all to see? What if there was someone that came aboard with bad intentions and scans/review information? What if they dislike you here and find that they are near you? If they have a bad attiude, they will have a chance to visit you in person and can cause grief. Or even send hate mail or spam?

This is in realtion that how one would give out personal information on the phone to anyone else. You wouldnt want to give out personal info on a phone call. Why should it be done here for others to see. If you going to expose your name, site, etc., one can find out much more info on you from a little research. You might as well post your residential address, phone number, place of employment......
I dont have a prob with people knowing my name its on my profile, as for my email, Id rather leave that private. I am not so concerned about the people I have met here, but anyone could create an account from a free email server site and have access to all your information--that just doesnt sit well with me. As for names, I think most people here are honest, but with respect to the dishonest, they can simply lie and give you a false name really.
I voted before reading. I voted "Yes"...but what I mean is that our true id should be given when signing up. If we don't want the general public to know our true ID...I think that should be each individuals choice.
ME? I don't care.
Names John Haag.

Your Brother
47MartialMan said:
You dont need to post this to be honest. A member can PM you and you can judge from their posts/PM if they are trust worthy for your personal info.

Why be so open for all to see? What if there was someone that came aboard with bad intentions and scans/review information? What if they dislike you here and find that they are near you? If they have a bad attiude, they will have a chance to visit you in person and can cause grief. Or even send hate mail or spam?

This is in realtion that how one would give out personal information on the phone to anyone else. You wouldnt want to give out personal info on a phone call. Why should it be done here for others to see. If you going to expose your name, site, etc., one can find out much more info on you from a little research. You might as well post your residential address, phone number, place of employment......
I am very active in my community and lots of people already know my name. I've had to deal in real life with people and their bad attitudes. On the internet, I talk to people from all over the world. If someone lives near me, and they don't like me, chances are, they may already know me...
upnorthkyosa said:
I am very active in my community and lots of people already know my name. I've had to deal in real life with people and their bad attitudes. On the internet, I talk to people from all over the world. If someone lives near me, and they don't like me, chances are, they may already know me...
Well, I dont need to know your personal info to read and/or like your posts...
47MartialMan said:
Not so...I just emailed myself from this forum. I could have posted spam in the mail. A member not knowing this would see Martial Talk in the subject and open it thinking it is about Martial Talk. I dont think my email address is publically viewd here. Looks like here, you dont have to reply to email to get spammed

OK I am a liar. :rolleyes: I guess I know absolutely nothing about this site. I state I do not know everything, but maybe it is just a communication issue.

Sometimes sir you cannot spell, and other times you can form a sentence. yet others you are coherent, and lucid and present a statement even if it is nothing more than your opinion.

I never said you could not e-mail someone. Read my original post. I stated as Bob did that it would have to be done manually one at a time. This is time consuming and not a real big bang for your buck.

I in honesty I would have to state NOT SO to you.

You could turn it off, if the e-mail option upsets you, but there is no single place to get e-mails.

I have a question...

Out of all the banned users, how many posted their real names and how many were anonymous?

Hopefully you may have data on this...

Banned Users = 61

No Info: 14
False info: 8
Public Name: 18 (8 false)
Private Name: 39 (2 false)

There may be a few more false IDs in there, but thats what jumps out at me on a quick glance.
Kaith Rustaz said:
Banned Users = 61

No Info: 14
False info: 8
Public Name: 18 (8 false)
Private Name: 39 (2 false)

There may be a few more false IDs in there, but thats what jumps out at me on a quick glance.
Thanks for the data, Kaith and the quick reply. The data is interesting in regards to this question.

I think that one can say from a glance at the data that anonymous users are banned far more often then real named users.

Therefore, I would posit that if a user uses their real name, they are more likely to be respectful.

Does anyone disagree with this postulation?

1 addition:
Several of those are multiple accounts. There have been at least 5 people who have used an average of 3 accounts banned. (we ban #1, they sign up again, we ban it, they sign up again. There were 2 using 3 accounts at the same time to promote events a few years ago)

I'd say, modifying somewhat to take that into consideration, that there are about 50 actual people banned, 39 who provided a private name, 18 public name. With that in mind, yes, those who publically ID themselves are less likely to be banned, though it is only about a 33% less chance, I think.
Useing ones personal name in no way garentees that you can't or will not post stupid , untrue, overly exagerated, hate filled, etc., etc., comments.
It simply means everyone will know who you are when you do such things.
One of the problems I have seen occur is when someone knows who you are, they can do damage to your life. For example, in one chat room I was in, there was a feud going on between two groups of people. For whatever reason, one person found out one of the other persons real name. Located where she lived, called the school where her children went (anonymously, of course) and made claims of neglect, drug use, etc. They then found out where her husband worked and called his employer to complain of cyberstalking and harassment. It took quite a bit of effort and time to clear themselves of those ridiculous charges, but you get the point. I just think a more rigorous enrollment process may be the way to go. JMO.
wow......if some of the people on martial talk did that they really wouldnt be upholding the morals and values that are usually taught in most martial arts schools. that sounds more like something that happens on goofy internet chat sites where people sit around all day long with nothing better to do. oh wait.......

Martial Artists are just people like everyone else. School is supposed to teach those things too and everyone goes there...

Besides, who said you had to be training in Martial Arts to sign up here?
I like the idea of either using names or ip-addresess to help eliminate "trolling." Many times, people will spout their BS from the cover of an annonymous nickname, there's no accountability. I think people are less likely to mouth-off if there is some form of recognition. Of course the same result could be accomplished by just banning people that don't have any idea what they're talking about or who make a habit of acting like complete idiots. I'm not saying that there's not any room for disagreement (It'd be awful boring if everyone agreed on everything) but that I don't have a lot of time for someone who conducts themselves in an immature manner because no one's going to call them on it.

just my $0.02