Concession the day after

Seig said:
It will only happen if the candidates can galvanize the voters into action like these two men did. The very fact that they got so many Americans to get off their collective asses and exercise their right to vote speaks very highly of both men.

I have to agree with you Seig. I would have to agree that it's a great occassion that had so many people voting this year. I don't care if a person voted for Kerry, Bush, Nader, or whoever. I think it's important that they work to make their voice heard. After having such a high turnout this year, I'm a little prouder to be an American.
deadhand31 said:
After having such a high turnout this year, I'm a little prouder to be an American.
True! It makes me proud as well. Both candidates moved the issues forward powerfully and made their cases well...ending up in a record turn out, regardless of the increasing population.

Your Brother
Flatlander said:
This was bound to happen, and will again, as populations continue to increase.
I knew someone would be trying to make this point.
I don't think that the population is 'increasing' that much, not in the united states. Even if it is, this turn out had the largest percentage of the US population of any thus far. We should all be proud...and follow it up with another record breaking turn out next time!!!

Your Brother
Brother John said:
I knew someone would be trying to make this point.
I don't think that the population is 'increasing' that much, not in the united states. Even if it is, this turn out had the largest percentage of the US population of any thus far. We should all be proud...and follow it up with another record breaking turn out next time!!!

I am 40 years old. According to this website, at the time of my birth, in 1964, the population of the United States 179 million. Today it is 290 million (plus).

The population of the United States is growing approximately 10% per decade.

As a percentage of population, what I have heard is that there will be a 60% turnout nationwide. This is approximately the turnout of the 1968 election. Although, complete turnout numbers are not yet available to a quick google search.

Who knew that Gay Marriage would be such a powerful motivator?
michaeledward said:

I am 40 years old. According to this website, at the time of my birth, in 1964, the population of the United States 179 million. Today it is 290 million (plus).

The population of the United States is growing approximately 10% per decade.

As a percentage of population, what I have heard is that there will be a 60% turnout nationwide. This is approximately the turnout of the 1968 election. Although, complete turnout numbers are not yet available to a quick google search.

Who knew that Gay Marriage would be such a powerful motivator?

That's still pretty good though huh? Same or similar percentage of a population that is 30% larger than it was then.

No matter. It was a good turn out and I'm very proud of our Country.
And yes: I'd say that even if Kerry had won. I'm just glad so many people were moved to vote.

I don't know about gay marriage being The motivator in this election. But I do think that general society spoke their minds clearly by shooting it down across the board.

Your Brother
Bring the 3rd parties into the debates, and really debate.
That will move issues forward.
Yes, the '3rd party' voices need to be heard. Calling them 3rd party isn't even fair, really. It's not like all those canidates are saying the same thing!

Having followed the developments in this American election fairly closely, I have a renewed appreciation for the lively and diverse debate that our own Paliament is filled with. Our House of Commons has members from 4 different parties, and the Liberal Party (which has formed the government in 4 consecutive elections) is currently in the minority - the opposition MP's outnumber the government. Imagine what kind of compomise and co-operation that will create in order for the government to accomplish anything.
raedyn said:
Yes, the '3rd party' voices need to be heard. Calling them 3rd party isn't even fair, really. It's not like all those canidates are saying the same thing!

I don't think anyone is claiming they are.