Requiring Real Names?

Should MartialTalk require members to identify themselves?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Undecided

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I think it's a good idea to require real names so that people know who they are talking to. So that you don't go off on someone like they don't know what they are talking about when they real do. can you follow what I am saying I think I lost myself.


P.S. My real Name is Rick English Wade is my middle name..

Rick Wade said:
I think it's a good idea to require real names so that people know who they are talking to. So that you don't go off on someone like they don't know what they are talking about when they real do. can you follow what I am saying I think I lost myself.
There name should have nothing to do with whether they know what they are talking about or not. That can be read in there posts.
Real names requirement is not something I would support. I have no problems giving it to register, but like I know for me, my name is pretty unique and it would take little effort for someone to track me down or use it for other not so nice purposes. Besides, you have a ton of guests who look but never register, and who knows what these people are really looking for. I'd hate to leave the forum, but if it becomes a requirement I would.
Andrew Green said:
There name should have nothing to do with whether they know what they are talking about or not. That can be read in there posts.

Agreed. I also agree that the dangers Rich pointed out need to be taken into account.

I voted no. I like the current set-up just fine, where real names and locations are only required for registration.

If anyone thinks they need to know my real name for some reason, it's Garrett Samuel Weinstein. But I still have no intention of putting it in my public profile. If someone who doesn't read this thread wants to know who I am, they should ask (or at least go through my post history).
I don't know if you should make it a "requirement" but, if people post here, they shouldn't be ashamed of who they are. We're all Martial Artists and should be proud of that and who we are.

If it becomes a requirement, I don't have a problem with it.
I think it is fine for Bob to have a record of a person's true identity for administrative purposes, but it is way too easy to find a person when you have a name these days. For all of the reasons listed against it, I am against it. I don't like the idea of giving out that information for possible identity theft, protection of our members from possible confrontations outside of here, stalkers and rapists, and to protect our younger members. Anyone who is comfortable using their full name is welcome to do so, and if you don't like it that someone isn't using their full name, and you find something about them to be suspect, than you can put them on your ignore list, and not have to deal with them.
There should be some option for a certain degree of anonymity. I'm happy to share closer information to people that pass a litmus test of private communication first. My first name and location should be enough for the faceless masses. Plus, as Tgace mentioned, it would be almost impossible to vet the names without asking for even more personal information, so those who have motivation to stay anonymous will ultimately stay that way.


Peter DeLarge

(my favorite alias)
I have similar feelings as MJ, Ping, and Gin-Gin (go ladies!).

Identity theft, online stalkers, etc.... no way would I want my name and personal information out there for anyone to stroll by and pick up. Nope nope nope.
Do we really want to require a name and rank here? It would create a hierarchy where things could get personal real quick (Oh yeah, well who are you to question me? I'm a soke/grandmaster of krafunkendo and you are just a...) I mean, one of the reasons I come here is for the free exchange of ideas across ranks, arts and styles. I'll be honest, I've only studied for a few years various arts and only attained an intermediate rank in any of them. I read alot about martial arts and talk to folks about them, train currently but I'll be moving soon so may not for a while. So does that make my ideas or thoughts inferior? Some people of advanced rank, forgive me, don't know squat. If its required I'll probably just lurk at this site from here on out.
mj-hi-yah said:
I think it is fine for Bob to have a record of a person's true identity for administrative purposes, but it is way too easy to find a person when you have a name these days. For all of the reasons listed against it, I am against it. I don't like the idea of giving out that information for possible identity theft, protection of our members from possible confrontations outside of here, stalkers and rapists, and to protect our younger members. Anyone who is comfortable using their full name is welcome to do so, and if you don't like it that someone isn't using their full name, and you find something about them to be suspect, than you can put them on your ignore list, and not have to deal with them.

I have to agree with MJ 100% on this one. Its definately not worth it considering how many people are out there that can get your personal info.

I hadn't posted to this earlier because I understand and like the premise of the question but felt ambivalent about it. However, having been physically stalked before, I have no desire in declaring my full name to everybody. My profile does have my first name. I know Admin have access to all required information and and a few other users know who I am.

- Ceicei
Voted against for already stated reasons.
I waited a bit to add my 2cents.

I think it should be up to the person.

You, as a member can put anyone (except staff) on ignore.
That means you can ignore anyone who hides their info if you so wish.
I think doing so will cause you to lose out on some good stuff though.

That said, I think individuals who are taking an authority or expert position should identify themselves. It adds credibility, and responsibility.
No one cares what ExpertRabbit says, but John Smith 5th degree owner of Smiths Karate, thats a different story.

We take what precautions we can to protect our members from possible harassment or worse.
- We allow the use of handles
- We hide your email
- We allow you, the member to control how much information you give out. This has protected novices, kids and the ladies from problems.

It has also allowed a very small group to disrupt things. Interestingly enough, the majority of the "jerks" we've dealt with have used their own names in public. They go out of their way to let you know who they are, where they are, how they are, and why they are.

We require new members to provide our staff with their full name.
We require new members tell us where they are.
We delete all new accounts that are either incomplete, or full of obviously fake or smart *** remarks.
We get a number of 'flames' as a result of telling "Ana Mouse from Not There" that he/she/it can't be a member. Takes them 5-10 minutes to fill it all in, takes us 5 seconds to nuke em. Oh well.

I think revealing information should be your choice, just as reading what someone posts is also your choice.

Ironically enough, more people know me as "Kaith" than "Bob". Thousands know "Kaith". I've used that handle since the mid-80's. I get more pms and emails that start out "Hey Kaith", most from folks that know my real name. It's funny. So, tell me I'm not Kaith. LOL
I got the impression that the suggestion was made initially as a means of checking or limiting the potential for a martial arts fraud to come onto the forum. I'm not sure how one accomplishes the other. From what I've seen, usually frauds seem to be raving egomaniacs already have have their names and styles plastered all over the web, people's mailboxes etc.

(edit: Nothing that follows is me telling anyone how I think the forum should be run. More of a what I'd do in a similar situation kinda thing.) Might as well ask that every newcomer post their full MA lineage. That alone'd kill 90% of the posts directed towards a suspected fraud. Since it's a question they tend to dodge time and time again. (Of course that's totally unfeasable and not especially friendly.)

Personally, it makes more sense to me to simply ban outright the exposed fraud. Not much point in friendly MA discussion if you have to pretend that the clueless 10th dan soke telling you that your style's a weak dancy ballet style rather than a MA (or posting wildly inaccurate history etc) is deserving of the same level of courtesy and respect as someone who knows what they're talking about. It's more hostile than telling all sides involved to cool out, but it's more conducive to productive conversation in the long run IMO. (Especially since I don't see one of those older frauds still posting after a month or two.)

Ain't a "witch hunt" if you find 'em dancing naked in the forest eating a baby for kicks after all. ;)
I don't know about requiring it. I do it out of honor and integrity that I will stand by what I typed and if wrong I am wrong etc etc.

Once more a true Black Belt will set the example. JMHO

David Gunzburg
I use my real name. I stand behind what I say as I don't post for "shock effect."

However, I understand that there are stalkers out there and some people may not have the same level of comfort providing their personal information, even if it is just their name.

Kaith Rustaz said:
This is a poll to see what the MT community thinks about the possibility of requiring members to identify themselves publically.

The outcome of this poll will not result in any immediate change, however will be used to gauge our members feelings on the subject.

Please, feel free to comment as well as vote.
I don't have strong feelings either way.. I think it would be nice if everyone filled out their profile. It's fun to know who/where/what about people you are chatting with.
Personally, I'm of the opinion that the folks who think that not posting their full names on the internet is somehow safe, or in some way protects you from identity theft or stalking, are fooling themselves. If you live in the US, there's a hundred ways every day that you open yourself up to this kind of attack. Handing your credit card over to somebody to pay for a purchase in a store is much more dangerous than posting your full name on Martial Talk.

I'm all for posting folks real names (and mine is in my profile), but at the same time I think it's a solution without a problem. I don't think it will in any way raise the postv quality, dissuade frauds, or cut down on trolling posts. I feel each of these issues could be addressed in better ways by some different rules.
I think current policy is secure enough. Requiring public display of names etc opens the possibility of corruption of that info. Commentary reveals its truth.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it- I think its not broke.

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