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Do you think it is fair to Pay Reperations

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Just a side note, though partially related...

I am of English, Irish, Dutch, French (sorry, but I am), Russian (from Catherine the Great, no less!) and Czech descent. So what kind of "- American" does that make me? Can I pick and choose as I like?

The point?

I hate :angry: the entire pretentious BS of "XXX-Americans." What a separatist, elitist load of steaming horse s**t.

If you are an American, then you are an American. Plain and simple. The people that want to waltz around with some hyphenation, to identify themselves as something more and apparently better than a "regular" American, need to be reminded that their ancestors, for one reason or another, left their homelands for something possibly better (in some cases not, but they didn't make much of an effort to repatriate themselves either...).

First step is to stop this with a Louisville Slugger to the face. By stopping the neo-tribalism that comes with such labeling, we begin to see the similarities instead of focusing on the differences.

I am of the above specified ethnic heritages. My wife is Filipino, Hawaiian and Chinese (we aren't too sure on the Chinese, but we have reason to believe the claim). My kids' Godfather is of German descent and his wife is Japanese. Their Godmother is Mexican and her husband is Polish. We speak English as our primary language, peppered liberally with Spanish, Japanese and Tagalog/Visayan. We disdain cultural limitations of any kind, and I jokingly refer to our family as "La Familia del Arco Iris."

So what kind of payment can we get? I'm sure somebody owes us some kind of reparation... So who wants to pony up? :D

I'd like to take a moment and apologize for anyone offended by some of my comments. My use of certain terms such as "Bubba", "Tyrone", "Sits-on-***", "crack whore" etc. were meant to point out stereotypes, and not meant to insult members of any group or culture.

I let some of my frustrations show through, and for that, I apologize.

Inequality based on skin color, gender, religion, sexual preference, etc should not be tolerated.

My wife was born and raised in the Philippines.
English is a Fourth language for her...her primary dialect is Ilocono.

When we were in college, she had to translate to her language and then translate back to English to answer questions (both on tests and in class)...a slow process, to be sure...she held a 2.9 throughout her undergraduate training...HOW? She didn't sleep when she should have...she would literally be crying while typing a paper because she wanted desperately to sleep and was tired of the 2nd or 3rd rewrite (I edited her work and always marked it up in red...tough on her, but it paid off)...

In her senior year, she took a course purely out of a desire to study something unrelated to nursing...(Botony) she got an A...

There was a Chicago born and raised Phillipina who was in the same class...she got a D...she claimed prejudice and an unfair testing method...she claimed a "language" barrier...She tried to recruit my wife into her little group of "victims." Cora told her that the reason she got a D was because she didn't study and because she liked partying more than doing the work necessary to succeed...Of course, this "victim" said Cora had been poisoned by living with me, a white guy...

I still say...if you want to succeed and you're willing to work will, regardless of your background.

No, your a racist. Deal with it. As someone that runs this websight those were some pretty volitile remarks kidding or not. no one alive is responsible for slavery in the US (except maybe my place of employment); however a problem still exists its all our problem and it will continue to be our problem. As for your drug statement, you just wait; because crystal meth will effect WHITE people you know and love and you can't blame that one on black wellfare mothers. So just hide and watch.
If Chris Rock, or Sinbad, or Eddie Murphy were to say the same thing...would they be labelled a racist? nO...but, each of them have said the same thing, in their own way...

Basically, get up off your butt and do some work (not addressed to anyone inparticular...but my point is HOW someone will accept criticism from one person, but not another...

Truth is, I would like to see what Lena Horn has to say about this...or Sammy Davis, Jr. (rest his soul)...of course, things were difficu7lt for many people of color (not just blacks) for many years.

Hopefully we've moved beyond that.

But I know that my wife had a much better chance at getting accepted at the private college we went to...because she was Philippina.

In fact, the school said that had I not taken some college courses on my own, when enlisted, I would probably have not made the cut...Cora was a shoe questions asked (even though I had A work and she C work in the same "college" classes (which we took when enlisted) ...if I would have relied on my Senior High School performance...I would not have been accepted...she would have been...(Gub'ment subsidies are are a wunderful thang).

Addendum to above post...

Somehow, by accepting lower standard entrance criteia based on race, the school benefitted financially....but what cost in terms of reduction of expectation.........

I do think I got an excellent education at the school I went to...but I also think that many white kids simply did not make the cut, while others who wanted to blame skin color for their own poor study habits were able to at least have a go at a degree.

Affirmitive action??? How is exclusion of a group affirmative?

Touch'O'Death Please no name calling i started this post because i wanted to see what other people think. and For the other people please keep it clean this is a sensitive issue and if you just start name calling then your degenerating your self.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
No, your a racist. Deal with it. As someone that runs this websight those were some pretty volitile remarks kidding or not. no one alive is responsible for slavery in the US (except maybe my place of employment); however a problem still exists its all our problem and it will continue to be our problem. As for your drug statement, you just wait; because crystal meth will effect WHITE people you know and love and you can't blame that one on black wellfare mothers. So just hide and watch.

Ok, let me see if I understand this right...I'm a racist.

Because I don't think blacks should have it any easier than anyone else?

Because I believe people should be held accountable for their actions?

Because I don't believe in free handouts?

Because I believe someone should earn their way?

Because I have no sympathy for lazy, excuse making bastards regardless of their skin color or genetic makeup?

Or, am I a racist because I used a few stereotypes for many groups in a post?

Let me ask you this:
Are you a slave?
Were your parents?
Were your grandparents?
How about your great-grandparents?

My family came over from Poland in the late 1880's. Slavery was ended in the United States in the 1860's. There is no way -I- owe anything.

Another question.... when we collect this money to pass out to these poor, deserving soles, are we only going to collect it from those "white bastards" or will we also be taking it from the decendents of the "3,777 Black slave owners" (according to the 1830 census)?

Call me what you will, I've had better do worse. But I think the true racist is the one who believes someone is owed something or should be judged on some pigment and ancestory. I believe we should all be judged on our abilities and merits regardless. If that makes me a racist, then yes, pass me the damn sheet....I'll have a good ol fasioned Toga Party! I'll even bring the grapes.


- Bob Hubbard -

My opinions are my own, and do not represent the opinions or policies of this forum, its staff, or host company.
Rascist- A person in power that is preduice that keeps a person down .

And how dose Kaith Keep any of us down?
2 other points dude...

a- I never said I was kidding....just said they might be inapropriate.

b- Whys the score up there 23 No, 1 Maybe and ZERO yes? Hmm...

As to the drug problem....Lets see...I've buried 1 friend, seen the results of the 'party' drugs on 2 others...are you whining about my "crack whore" comment? Sheesh.

I know a Quake Clan that refers to themselves as the "Crack Whores"...they are tough gals too... don't mean they are racist, easy or drug users/supporters.

I dont blame -anything- on "black wellfare mothers" me where I did?

Why would I "just hide and watch"? Is that a threat?

I think someones just a little too thin skinned here.

I'm honestly laughing at the racist bit...I went to a 90% black highschool, went to a 70% black grade school, have regularly worked, trained, and socialized with blacks...and 'yellows' and 'reds'. My first Karate instructor was black. Hell, in highschool I almost had a 'black' girlfriend. (She had eyes that could melt a mans soul... -her- family was not thrilled with the idea, so we left it as friends. V. sweet gal..went on to be a doctor I working her *** off to get somewhere.

So, I really should be offended, but I find the idea so ludicrist that I am actually laughing.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Whys the score up there 23 No, 1 Maybe and ZERO yes? Hmm...

Clearly, this reflects the site's demographics. You're taking a voluntary sample of Internet-using martial artists. Skewed? Coulld be, yeah.

But I think the true racist is the one who believes someone is owed something or should be judged on some pigment and ancestory.

Like the age-old claim to Israel that was granted to those whose ancestors had long since left there?

You're looking at it at an individual level. Clearly, race is a recognized social construct. (Race is negligible from a biological standpoint--biological differences between races are truly minimal.) When you look at two individuals of different races or genders, these progams seem--and likely are--unfair. But what about for groups? The weak teams get the good draft slots to level the playing field in sports. Is there some value to doing the same with social groups so they can get stronger as a group? That's the real reasoning--groups, not individuals.
My point with the current poll results is that despite at least 1 individual posting they were for the idea, they didnt bother to -vote- for it.... I just find it odd...

and...lets avoid the whole isreal/palestinian thing.... got enough trying to be overworked, stressed and a racist, to add anti-semitic or anti-arab or whatever to my work list.... :)

Ok, lets look at the groups then.

What has this generation or the previous 2 generations of 'whites' done that justifies paying these reparations to these 'former slaves'? See, None of them look to be 140+ years old. I dont agree that giving them what amounts to 'free money' is the answer.

I think its a combination of employers hiring on merits, schools admiting on a non-quota system, grants and health care and other aid programs being evenly distributed, and people of all sorts getting off their collective lazy asses and doing something positive with their lives rather than waiting for someone else to either do it for them or give them a hand out.

I'd hire a black, and indian, an arab, an asian, hell, a martian. All they gotta do in know the job requiirements, speak clearly in english, have good heigine, and be willing to work. Is that a bad thing?

If so, someone shoot me.

Y'all are right. No more free handouts, no more passes on what the rest of us have to do, for the likes of Dan Quayle and Bush Jr. Equal treatment under the more "legacies," for the children of the rich who are too dumb to go to Yale, no more big advantages of wealth for the children of the more passes through the law for the Hearst more getting to treat a Senate seat as a family heirloom for the likes of Al brief, more affirmative action for the wealthy, the only truly oppressed class.

PS--and no more advantages for those who can't spell, "reparations," neither.
I could go for hours on those subjects...the polititions who practically 'live' in office, get all the stuff we have to bust our asses for for free (cars, haircuts, airfare, furnature, etc). The 'Dynasties' that live off past glory, and a 'name' yet aren't 1/10th the people that 'made it', the 'perks' some get due to their names. (Bush gals for example. Any of us who did that crap woulda been breakin rocks in a state run hotel....)

Maybe if the 'high society' wants to truely be worthy of the title, they should take a few extra tax dedutctions and fund some RIF programs in their towns, or do some mentoring at the SBA.


I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, or the messenger sent with bad news, but for the folks who like to play the racist card, whichever side of the table they may sit on, there is only one race...

The taxonomy for this misbegotten, hairless, poorly designed parasite is:

Chordata > Mammalia > Primates > Catarrhini > Hominidae > Homo > Homo sapiens > Homo sapiens var. sapiens

Note there is no identifier for "black," "white," "yellow," etc., nor for Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid (the official Anthropological descriptions for the three primary species appearances). Just good ol' Homo Sapiens Sapiens... So any bitches, gripes or complaints we have to aim should really be aimed at our race in general, since in my experience there has not yet been a single variant of the specie that has a specific claim to monopoly on misbehaving... Trash is Trash, regardless which part of the inner city, trailer park, or barrio they come from.

So next time somebody calls you a racist, tell 'em that sure, you are one... You hate people. ;)

One Race. One Love. All are One.

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
Trash is Trash, regardless which part of the inner city, trailer park, or barrio they come from.

And just to stifle the potential for flaming ahead of time, my background comes from the lower middle class section of South Omaha... My parents came from the part of town where the Czechs, Poles, Greeks and Sicilians concentrated. There were gangs among all the groups, and inter-ethnicity "warfare" was common (though it didn't include wearing their pants nearly falling off their butts, or dressing in identical matching Starter gear).

In time, South Omaha added a large number of Latino immigrants, and the Greeks moved on or died out. The Sicilian community dwindled, and it was largely the Czechs and Poles that remained with the Latinos (largely of Mexican descent).

Now, if you go to the heart of South Omaha, on 24th Street from about F Street to L Street and beyond, nearly all the shops are bilingual in their advertising - and the English is just there for the benefit of the visitors to the neighborhood! :D

My family has its share of alcoholics, low lifes, addicts and losers. We don't come from the trailer park, but we can see it from the front porch. Few in my family have any higher education at all, much less a college degree. I'm the closest so far, but I have two cousins who are quite promising to be the first ones in 4 generations to manage to pull free of the lower middle class construction worker black hole we call our heritage.

So for the folks who want to flame me for my comments, flame away. Just thought I'd let you know where I come from before you start...

first of all I never said we owe black people anything; we owe it to our selves to send as many black people we can to college and lower standards if need be; because, its the right thing to do for our country. We need to stop streamlining black males through the prison system. Our prison system is becomming minority housing for god sake. It is rapidly becoming our largest gross national product. That is an embarrasment. If we hired a few more teachers instead of a few new cops we could possibly reverse some of this desparity we propogate. Hoodlams begat more hoodlams.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
If we hired a few more teachers instead of a few new cops we could possibly reverse some of this desparity we propogate. Hoodlams begat more hoodlams.

No argument there ... that's a long drawn out process. I don't
know that MORE teachers are the answer, but maybe looking at
the entire education system.

Just the other day, a friend of mine out of the blue claimed to be
a racist :eek: . I make it a point not to socialize with people like
that, so I was taken aback. He said he hated "Mexicans". He
meant hispanics that were born and raised here. It dawned on
me how many hispanics are in our "crowd", and brought that up.
He kept going, "well yeah, but she's okay, he's okay" etc. What
it boiled down to was he was fed up with hispanics that are
making no effort to better themselves, are living off welfare, and
are teaching their kids to do the same. Now I'm still not going to
be hanging out with this person (I don't want that crap around
my daughter) ... but education IS the key.

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