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Do you think it is fair to Pay Reperations

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Nice point...after all, there are reparations and then there are reparations, and maybe part of the thing to do is to say that mere money can never repay what was done to people in the name of the Holy God Capital (with, to be sure, a lot of pious hypocrisy covering up what was going on), and make reparations by other means.

Originally posted by nightingale8472
Please note: I never said anything about race. You did. I merely stated that for someone to have the motivation to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" and get out of the ghetto, they are usually given a helping hand from someone who's already out. Are you implying that there are no successful minorities capable of mentoring?

Yes!!!!!!! A hand up, not a hand out.
What I'd like to know ToD, is why you keep playing the race card and seem to be making so many unfounded assumptions every time someone says something? You called me a racist, yet it seems to me it is you who are posting the more bigoted side of things.

-Bob [/B][/QUOTE]
The tuth is I took a criminal justice course for a semester in college. I can argue this issue all day long. Touche' on the racist name calling now we are even. I understand I'm on a complaint list now; so, let me know when I've gone to far. I guarantee you though I'm not just Knee jerking on what people are posting. I've most likely studied and been tested on said subject. And once again I am not in support of just mailing a check to black families.
Naw, no complaint list (that I'm aware of). My posts have been my own opinion, not MT's. I think I've gotten several directed at me though. No worries. Hey, for as -hot- as this and the related subjects can get, I'm glad this threads stayed as calm as it has been. Maybe we disagree, but, its been in a civil manner.


Originally posted by Zujitsuka
The bad thing about President Clinton's public apology is that I bet most of you never heard about it as it wasn't "big news."

It was huge news- in my area anyway- I watched the conference and cried. However, when I mentioned it to my mother some time later, she had no idea what the Tuskegee experiment was, and didn't believe that could have happened. I told her to look it up.

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