My point was to say there is is not "one" type of WC, any more than there is one type of Karate, Jujutsu etc. The idea the "old mate" is getting across is that...
1. if you go in like that you need to somehow jam up the initial attack and shut it down while
2. making sure your "jam" covers you from the inevitable follow up from the other hand.
There are a multitude of ways to do it, and he mentions others he doesn't demonstrate. The main point I was doing was just trying to illustrate what I personally mean when I refer to "jamming", which is to tie up (and hopefully) set up one arm,while still covering the inevitable other hand which is coming. Initially some thought I meant going straight for a take down rather than simply entering for either striking or takedowns/controls. That was the point of the video.
If you aren't confident you can jam the "first" you don't go in like that. If you can jam the first but NOT while protecting your noodle from the other hand you also don't do it. The guy in your video hesitated more times than I could count and then went straight in like a shmoo when he bothered to go in over and over again regardless of success. To me that didn't even say anything about his style of WC but rather his training method... no pressure testing.
I think we will both agree that if he pressure tested during his training and got his bell rung a few times then (like we both do) he never would have done something so gosh darn silly.

Or at least I hope so.