Senior Master
The issue you get. And you get it in boxing as well. If you chase a guy to desperately close distance. You can get your face smashed into hamburger. So you need alternate strategies so that when you do chase and jam he is not waiting for it.
This guy exploited the hell out of that particular problem.
I have seen that video before and it isn't exactly applicable. The reason why I say this is he seems to be using what mos would call "stereotypical" WC theory. The "school of thought" I follow, TWC, is often called "modified" but most other Lineages that claim Yip Man origin. As an example "fight on the blind side" where we try to move to the flank ourselves is seen as "wrong." If you watch the video I noted as well, the way you "jam" is with techniques that actually assume the other hand will be coming, some of which aren't that different than a western boxing "cover".
Ultimately the guy in the video you showed literally did the exact opposite of what Sifu Kieth said you should do in the video I linked. Likely why he got clobbered because he was thinking "dead straight ahead" which is NOT what the WC I study teaches you to do. If you go to 1:00 on my video you see Sifu Keith saying "don't do what the guy in Drop Bear's video did!"

As you say, you need to alternate if it doesn't succeed, BUT The video you linked doesn't even vaguely represent the idea I am talking about so I really don't know what to say in response. Tbh I thought you would dig Sifu Keith's ideas/tactics for the most part because it isn't what one stereotypically thinks of when they picture WC. He applies practical stuff to WC that he gains from his instruction of US Spec Ops and LE organizations ( Keith Mazza ) as he sees learning as a two way street, even in his "paid" seminars (a rare guy that way in my experience.)
I also, just for personal gratification, would love to know the name of the WC guy to see if he really is a "master". He does a lot of things wrong according to other lineages as well.
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